Anyone having issues downloading the Topoactive Europe map on your 965? Both from watch via Wi-Fi and with Garmin Express on Windows, requests map update data indefinitely or fails, respectively. Problem with the server maybe?
Anyone having issues downloading the Topoactive Europe map on your 965? Both from watch via Wi-Fi and with Garmin Express on Windows, requests map update data indefinitely or fails, respectively. Problem with the server maybe?
I do have a different issue but similar. I got the 965 few days ago - after the firmware was upgraded to 3.58 the pre-installed map did not work for me (the map did not show any details of my location…
So last night I managed to install the Topoactive Europe 2022.11 map using Garmin Express and my pc (before it would fail at 50%).
Now I have the same problem as others with the 'Update available' prompt…
Hmm, I'd set up Wi-Fi on my watch separately directly on the watch before trying with Garmin Express. Not sure if it then asked me to set up Wi-Fi again on my pc.
Got the exact same thing then my watch crashes. I did the update on the laptop. It looked complete but this is what you get when you go onto map manager. Is it a know issue now?
Got the same email too this afternoon (but in French, I'm in France), and was equally suspicious! Haven't clicked on the link, but if you also got it maybe it's official...
Question is, who's going to be the first to take the risk of getting all their passwords and credit card details stolen haha
I received the same email, clicked the link and it's just instructions on how to install the map using Garmin Express. Weirdly I was in the mountains using maps this week with no issue.
My experiences with Garmin Express have never been great so I am dreading this 12gb install.
I did the same. But the message of update maps still appears on the watch when I click to see anything more from that map management screen the watch freezes. Anyone else experience this issue?
The original map (the version with which the watch arrived) was also not showing any details to me, but reinstalling it (I actually think it was an update) using Garmin Express on Mac solved all the problems for me (yes, it took ages).
My only issue with MapManager on the watch is that when I try adding TopoActive maps it is "Requesting Map Update Data" forever.