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Is there anyone who is not experiencing any issues introduced by 12.20 or 12.23 ?

Is there anyone who is not experiencing any issues introduced by 12.20 or 12.23 ?

I am curious if there is anyone who is NOT experiencing battery drain/training status/heart rate zone that could be introduced by 12.20 or 12.23.

Those issues above might come from 11 version and I am curious if updating to 12.23 will cause another new issue.

  • No battery drain or training status issues for me on 12.23. Can't comment on the HR issues as it's not something I really use.

  • Yes, I am not experiencing battery drain issue since I updated to 12.20. I am afraid to update to 12.23 though..

  • I'm not. But I don't try to use sport specific HR zones. For me 12.20 and 12.23 fixed the training status/acute load/etc issues.

  • No issues with battery life for me. I use run pace and bike power for training so can’t comment on HR

  • For my use case generally no issues.Battery life seems ok. Do wish the mapping issues would get sorted however as that is one of the reasons I bought the watch ad its too finikety to use them currently. I also do not rely on HR zones as a measure other than to look at it , and generally with the HRM-PRO Plus attached it seems ok.

  • I've had the 955 Solar since beginning of June, and use it for running and cycling (with Extended Display on an Edge unit).

    I have noticed some minor bugs, connection issues to the phone and/or Edge device via Extended Display and other sensors. But 12.23 looks pretty solid and addresses these issues.

    For example, 955 would not connect to Extended Display right away and would disconnect during ride (And re-connect). This was a sensor connection issue with the Edge device via Extended Display. But this is a minor issue in my opinion.

    Another issue was that the 955 would record no HR data after a cycling activity using external HR sensor (Polar H10); it's like the 955 thought I was still using the HR strap meanwhile I had taken it off. This has been addressed in 12.20 and 12.23 from my observation.

    12.23 looks to be pretty solid. Garmin is putting in a lot of work into this software to come out with so many bug fixes so fast. Great job Garmin!

    No battery drain on any of the software versions thus far.

  • I have 12.23 since 3 dates now and have not experienced any battery drain issues yet. BT connection on and have done 3 workouts without any issues.

  • Any issue with your training load ?

  • I haven't noticed any problems. No battery drain and my training status is on point.

  • Ciao. Hai per caso provato le funzioni di navigazione? Anche lì nessun problema? Grazie