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VO2Max isn't increasing

Since I bought the 955, I've put a fair degree of effort in my runs, increasing my acute load by quite an amount by doing some zone 2 and speedwork.  Quite a number of my activities have been listed as VO2Max being the primary benefit.

I'd expect my VO2Max to increase as a consequence, but it's been flatlined since the end of June.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the watch/Garmin?  I know I shouldn't really be that bothered by the score as it's not all that reliable in comparison to lab testing, but I'd still like a bit of reward for my efforts...!

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  • I guess that's what Kevin wants to see. I have reset my HR zones as instructed (messed everything else also by doing that) here are some example how VO2 Max didn't change after 2 runs, first one from the 18th, the second one from the 20th, and as you can see no change in VO2 so far, I've got a notification about increase in Max HR on the 18th only, and no update on the lactate threshold which is at 147bpm and 5:00 min/km pace unchanged since I have reset all my HR zones. Going for another run shortly...

  • Here I am 2 week later and my finds are ( keep in mind I have reset the HR zones to default)

    15 runs, 6 of them a VO2 Max TE,  1 as Threshold TE, rest of them easy runs. My VO2 Max remains unchanged at 51 even with the HR zones reset. The good news here is thanks to DPSK I have calculated the VO2 Max using the 1.5 mile test and my value of 51 is close to the reality using the calculation ( I have got 51.8, 52  depending what website I've used).  I feel the number is closer to 52 but unfortunately we don't have decimals in the Garmin VO2 Max. I have asked in the Beta forum to add the decimal to the VO2 Max, since the Garmin calculation is more precise on 955 than in my previous Fenix.

  • Thanks for the update.

    May be worth adding the suggestion here as well:

  • 1) So Garmin vo2max is pretty accurate after all base on your input and on my experience, it's a bit overestimated. Probably I didn't push too hard for the 1.5 mile run.

    2) Just to add on and reiterate again, you don't need to reset the whole running zones. Your max HR is the most crucial. If you run below 80% of max HR, you will get low aerobic effect.

    3) I think the decimal in vo2max is a good request considering that Garmin is making the change less sensitive now. So it's good to see the change in decimal. In the past, it's easy to increase/ decrease vo2max number. But not now.

  • Already voted.

    Probably can post in other sections too.

  • It didn't seem to make much of the difference for me, I have changed my HR zone and the Max HR as instructed (If Kevin wanted that way, I've done it) and on the 18th my HR Max was 161 threshold 147, so I've got a few VO2 Max runs.

    The power represents the zone much better.

    My other problem is the auto detection of LTHR is not working, I get the prompts for the Max HR and that's it (Kevin is looking into that issue) even the Guided Threshold Test doesn't agree with the reality; the Garmin test was 152 bpm - 5:05mim/km and I have done a 30-minute test with 173 bpm and 4:35 min/km (The 955 didn't detected it)

    Anyways it would be great if you can get the decimal.

    As far as your runs you don't need to do a trial of 1.5 mile; just select a good run and trim the activity in Garmin connect website and you will get time and don't save the trim.

    Thanks for voting Slight smile

  • For vo2max 1.5 mile run test, you really need to do an all out effort for 1.5 mile distance. not supposed to trim.

    if you trim, its not going to estimate vo2max correctly.

  • Agreed. It will just give you a close number; the best is to do the 1.5 mile.

  • I would not turn on Auto detect HR max. I tested it last year reaching 193 on an injured leg, so i gave my self 195 if I could go all out. The auto HR max tried to say I was 186, no way I would use this feature. This would drastically change my VO2 max scores. I also do not have any issues with VO2 max. Runalyze and Garmin are fairly close.Now that the weather is cooler they both agree. Runalyze does not factor temperature. Get your correct HR max through a test and all the metrics should fall in place. You should be able to see if you are able to run at a fast pace or the same pace with a lower average heart rate (hence increase in VO2 max). I was able to significantly increase my VO2 max by losing ~13 pounds compared to last year. 163 to 150, 5'6". I really recommend using Runalyze or some other 3rd party to check the data as a comparison to the Garmin estimates.