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VO2Max isn't increasing

Since I bought the 955, I've put a fair degree of effort in my runs, increasing my acute load by quite an amount by doing some zone 2 and speedwork.  Quite a number of my activities have been listed as VO2Max being the primary benefit.

I'd expect my VO2Max to increase as a consequence, but it's been flatlined since the end of June.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the watch/Garmin?  I know I shouldn't really be that bothered by the score as it's not all that reliable in comparison to lab testing, but I'd still like a bit of reward for my efforts...!

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  • With the new beta software vo2max has started to increase again but not fast enough (for me) to trigger productive training status or anything else except maintaining. Increase is usually 0.03 per run but productive needs more than that i guess or maybe the increasing trendline has to be longer to trigger the change. Atm only way to see productive is to let the training load drop and then rapidly increase it again. But its short term trend then, lasting few days to week max.

  • Have the same issue with my FR955 which I own since June 2nd.

    my Vo2 max remains 59 without any changes and I’m already 3 months into Marathon preparation with a lot of strong workouts, fitness improved and my Vo2 max on other websites (Runalyze) shows improvement too.

    owned all forerunner over the past year (235,935,745 and 945) and the 955 is the only device with this strange behaviour.

    race predictor is also completely wrong (probably because he relies on vo2 max calculations).

    very disappointed by 955 

  • Same issue, training for Chicago and VO2 is flat since July 

  • Same it went up one a month ago then back down by one about a week later.



  • Runalyze gives you an "effective VO2max", which also considers running efficiency, in contrast to Garmin. On the other hand, Runalyze does not consider temperature, which is why it always gives you a lower VO2max in the summer.

    You cannot really compare the values from both platforms

  • Runalyze does show you the VO2Max score that Garmin gives you on a run-by-run basis.  You need to do a bit of setting in the Runalyze website, but it'll show you VO2Max from file.  It's really just a case of using Runalyze to show you the data that Garmin creates and maintains but (for whatever reason) won't show you.

  • In addition to my comment below, I run with an HRM-Pro Plus chest band and therefore I can see my lactate threshold and FTP, these are improving as I progress in my training plan and as the FTP is directly correlated to VO2 Max, it makes no sense that the latter is not changing. I have enrolled the watch in the Beta programme but no new updates have become available (the watch has 12.23). For the sake of the Garmin Moderator:

    1) yes

    2) yes

    3) UK

  • A bit of extra data. I've had a week's break from running (had a nasty tummy bug). My first "easy" run after that actually increased by VO₂Max by 0.04. I have manually set my max HR (to a couple of points above the highest I've observed) and have used %HRR to set the zones.

  • The 955 is just totally wrong. I’ve had a dozen garmin watches and it’s blatantly wrong.