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Sleep score only on watch?

Update - found it in the app (has its own separate card - I was expecting it as part of the sleep card) and on the web based on someone's post. Doesn't look like I can delete this post - my question has been resolved.


I like new metrics - but it seems the sleep score and summary are only available on the widget on the watch and not the (android) app? Be nice if this information was also in the app, esp to be able to see the sleep score over time (like you can with other stats)

I'm very happy that Garmin has continued to update and add features to the watch.

  • I've chatted w/Support now, twice, and they just wanted me to soft-reset, and now to delete/re-add the device, from my Bluetooth connected device (today I tried on BOTH my phone AND tablet, same deal, no sleep-data sync'd, even after a few hours and several tries).

    It's not exactly confidence-inspiring, when support seems to be grasping-at-straws type of deal.  Has anyone else pinged them on this, and gotten ANY additional data, that might actually be useful?

  • Well, for the Fenix 6 Pro I have contacted support because of this (and other things). Still awaiting a reply.

  • Can't find it now but there was a comment from that there is an update to GCM rolling through. 

  • Last was 5/26, on Android anyway.

    I went ahead and flushed the cache on GC, tried again, un-installed/reinstalled, same, no sync for sleep data.

    If you can find that comment about an update/fix, I'd sure like to review, thanks...

  • Just got off my 3rd chat w/Support, and they pretty much say that now it "may take a significant amount of time/syncs, in order to get sleep data", they refuse to acknowledge that any sort of change has occurred here, it's pretty disappointing, although perhaps not surprising.

    They literally pointed me to this article, which specifically says that "Sleep statistics including total hours of sleep, sleep levels, and sleep movement are displayed in Garmin Connect after your watch syncs for the first time after your wake time", and then sort of tried to backtrack, and say that the sleep-window recalculations may prevent me from seeing the sleep-stats, until multiple syncs have taken place.

    Pretty disappointing stuff, IMO.

  • Hello .  Here is the portion of the article that mentions that sleep windows may recalculate:

  • Yep, 100%, but it does say that "Sleep statistics including total hours of sleep, sleep levels, and sleep movement are displayed in Garmin Connect after your watch syncs for the first time after your wake time."

    Not sure how the 2nd part, about recalculating the sleep window would apply here, in terms of it failing to sync, after waking?

    My 945 (and a VA3 prior) has ALWAYS been able to sync/display Sleep-Stats, until this past Monday, which coincided with the 7.20 firmware drop.  I could count on one hand, over 3+ years, how many times it failed to get that data, it was extremely rare, maybe 1/year.  Since the drop, it's been unable to sync the data, without multiple re-attempts, not even a SINGLE TIME.

    @Gamin-Kevin, are you saying this is the "new norm", for the 945, due to that highlighted part about recalculating the sleep windows, later on?  That sleep data will require multiple re-syncs, in order to obtain the data, going forward?

    Just so we're 1000% clear here, this is about the failure to sync Sleep-Data, AT ALL, on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc syncs, typically taking 4-5, in order to finally sync/display the data.  It has the HR and respiration data for the night, for the exact same time slice, at the first sync.

  • I wouldn't say that this is the new norm.  This is actually pretty common for the sleep card not to appear the first thing upon waking, as the watch and the Garmin Connect app can take some time to "recognize" your wake time by comparing your heart rate while you are physically laying in bed to your heart rate while you are up and moving around.  Once the watch recognizes a large enough difference in heart rate, it will establish a wake time and the sleep card should appear on the My Day page of the app after the next sync.  

    When you mentioned that the sleep data now does not appear until the 4th or 5th sync, what kind of time frame are we looking at from when you get out of bed until you complete that 4th or 5th sync?

  • Is there a reason that

    1. There is no sleep score at all on GCM?
    2. Not every device even has a sleep score menu on GCM?
    3. And, OT, but while I'm at it: no muscle map for created workouts on Android?

    as seen in all of my previously posted screenshot? I'm not complaining, just curious if those things aren't fully implemented yet or if there is some bug with my and my wife's phone/app

  • Typically, I sync my 945 maybe 30-60 minutes after waking, and this has ALWAYS yielded sleep-card data, again with maybe one failure/year, until this week. Is this not long enough, post-wake, for the latest f/w drop?  

    I did notice that it syncs IMMEDIATELY, if I use Garmin Express, so apparently that sync-interface is able to obtain the card-data, immediately?  Shouldn't the time be roughly the same, between the two?

    On the 4th or 5th sync, today I waited until >1.5 hours, just to make sure, and those last syncs were shortly after the first, maybe 5-10 minutes.

    It seems odd, that this worked, in the same time-frame-delta, for SEVERAL YEARS, and that Garmin Express can sync the same data, in the same timeframe, without issue?