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With Beta 4.87 third party datafields are not visible/usable

I use DR6c1 Datarun and Stryd Runpower, Stryd Zones

I installed Beta 4.87 and the the page where datarun shows up was automatically removed after the upgrade to this Beta in my "Run"-Profile.
If i add the datarun datafield again, I can select it, but only "Timer" ist displayed in this position. Same with "Stryd Runpower"

I finished a run and Stryd has added all his data to the fit-File. Wondering that it seems to be active, but not showing up as datafield.
  • I use DU8-10 (2 of the 4 copies) and Stryd Zones datafield together in various Run and Trail Run app.

    The bugs I have seen so far, both with my former Fenix 5 plus and my present Fenix 6X Pro:

    - sometimes Stryd Zones switches to Timer automatically (in this case one faces the 2/2 CIQ data are used, so either a Restore Defaults or a Delete app help)

    - sometimes there is a simple “slip” of the CIQ datafields, if their order on my watch is DU810C0, C1, C2, C3, ….., Stryd Zones, then C0 switched to C1, C1 to C2, Stryd Z. to C0.

    - sometimes it is more confusing, because C1 switches to C3, as an example

    - the chance of any bugs is higher if any of these 5 DFs are updated on my watch

    Interestingly in the last months I never experienced a simple exclamation mark crash, which had occured earlier.

    I use other CIQ datafields, namely Lap+ and its copies, but they “dont participate in this bug ball”. 

    I tend to think that maybe not the DFs are corrupted as files, but there must be with the way how DU (or DR) datafields and Stryd Zones datafield together reach for the power data.

    Maybe I am wrong, but it is more than suspicious why these datafields are always involved when I see this sort of bug report of Stryd users.

  • I am the developer of the Datarun premium and ultimate datafields. I don't have problems yet with my datafields and the Stryd zonefield on my Fenix 6 pro, but that could be just luck. Today a user notified me of this problem and pointed to this thread on the Garmin forums, he is the first however of my datafield users that reports problems like these. With thoud=sands of users, these problems don't seem to be widespread?

    My datafields use the power data that the Stryd footpod sends over the standard ANT+ bike channel and do not save any data to the fit file. Their only function is to calculate all sorts off metrics and display them. The Stryd datafields gets all the data from the footpod (not only power) over a custom ANT+ channel. That's why in the settings one has to put the ANT-device number in, as it might as well pick up the Stryd data from someone else. There is a third datastream over the standard stride based ANT+ channel where a footpod can send speed and distance data.

    I have heard that the Stryd footpod is stretched by all this data that is has to send (aside from processing before that). It could be that with the Stryd wind, where the processor of the footpod is even more used, the Stryd footpod sometimes can' t keep up and causing errors in the datastream, which causes datafields to malfunction? I have the version 3 of the Stryd powermeter (version is the Stryd wind with that nummering).