What triggers incident detection?

Looking in the manual and 3rd party articles, incident detection is triggered when an incident is detected.  Not very informative.

Today, right after the start of our run, an angry goose lowered his head and charged at us.  After sprinting out of range, I noticed an incident detected and quickly fumbled to turn it off.  My run was ended 0.12 miles in and had to start a new activity.

what specific behaviors is Garmin looking for to trigger the alert?

  • My problem today when my watch interpreted the end of my ride as an "incident" is that I was not wearing my reading glasses and all the text on my watch except "Incident detected" is in a tiny font and unreadable for me. I hit what I thought was the cancel button yet since my wife was called, and then needlessly worried, I must of hit the wrong button... I am disappointed that there seems no way to report false positives for incident detection. I interpret that to mean that Garmin will not get better as inferring when a real incident occurs. 

  • All the incidents listed here seem reasonable. However, I'm trying to understand why my VivoActive 3 sent an incident report today. I was hiking in a group, at a casual pace. When we stopped to take in the scenery my watch sent an incident report to my emergency contacts. I wasn't moving fast and I didn't stop abruptly. I track my walks/hikes about 3 times/week, since I got the watch 3 months ago, and have never had this happen. Why all of the sudden today? Very strange! 

  • One suggestion for the incident detection feature. Please don’t end the on-going activity! I don’t mind the extra sensitivity as long as I am able to inform my contacts I’m ok. But accidentally this getting triggered and ending my 100km ride at 77kms can be really irritating! Please fixxxx Pray tone3Pray tone3Pray tone3

  • Garmin should have incident detection on at all times. If something happens even when you're not in an activity. Apple watch even detects a car crash these days. Just a heads up Garmin Connect Mobile Android

  • I was out walking with a friend admiring Christmas light displays. We stopped for several minutes to watch a particularly spectacular one, with synchronized music and everything, and then we applauded when it ended.  As we walked away I realized that my wrist was buzzing, trying to find the phone I hadn't brought with me. So, angry geese and breathtaking light displays. (Or clapping hands?)

  • can you get a report of time stamp/what caused impact?

  • AS always G is absolutely useless in giving information. The latest offical web page is 2019. And are they answering here? No, do they care about customers.. again no.

  • Hi, it's looking for a quick stop to trigger the alert. If you stop suddenly that could be enough to trigger an alert. 

    Why the position of the watch is not considered?


    No fall needed.


    I mean majprity of today’s Garmin watches have accelerometers and gyroscopes, so the data coming from these should be incorporated in the judgement of whether an incident/accident happened or not. The correlation between a simple drastic deceleration and an incident is much lower than that between a drastic deceleration+position of watch+moving/rotating//still watch and an incident.

    To be honest incident detection of Garmin watches is still much better than that of Garmin cycling computers. The latter have much more fake detection than the former group.

  • I got hit by a car only saturday last week, i was using road bike profile and incident detection was enabled but no incident was detected when i was hit by a car!!! thankfully it wasn't a bad hit, but a hit none the less that should have triggered incident detection ( i went from vertical to horizontal)[q