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Forerunner 945 Updates SW 4.40 is now live

These updates can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile (pending rollout).

Software version 4.40:  

  • Improvements to GPS
  • Fixed training modes (workouts, intervals, set a target, etc.) in Virtual Running to allow connection to phone app
  • Changed filtering of activities for Race an Activity. List of activities is now narrowed to those within the same general sport type.
  • Fixed missing auto-run setting in Ski
  • Improvements to rep-counting
  • Improvements to floor-climb when the user is jogging up/down stairs
  • Added SkiSkate profile
  • Added BackCountry Ski profile
  • Improvements to music playback/sync/providers
  • Improvements/fixes to payments
  • Made several improvements to Breathwork
  • Made several WiFi related improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the device would always display the 'Updating' spinner when changing an alarm
  • Various other fixes and improvements

Sensor Hub 4.01

  • No change log available

GPS version 4.10

  • No change log available
  • ah. it worked well (with v4.20) - until the update

    that´s why I´m here in the update-section.

  • Did you restart your watch? If not try that.

  • I just tried as your recommendation. Nothing changes.

    I am wondering Garmin rollout firmware updates by regions (I am in Vietnam).

  • As I've told you at another message in this thread you have an APAC version of 945. The firmware usually takes a bit longer for the APAC. Just search this forum and you will see what I'm saying...

  • I run gps + Galileo on bike and run, works well with updated GPS 4.1

  • I was going to post that 4.40 had settled itself and the OHR related problems were gone, but...

    Again a flat respiration rate as well as stress and HR all over the place... (I actually had a good night and am not sick).

    I even had done a soft reset the day this happened, so this seems not to be a temporary fix.

    After the first few times this happened I had disconnected all sensors as well as deleted all 3rd party CIQ Apps/Widgets/Datafields, done several soft resets im between and did a fresh install of everything with again several soft resets in-between. Didn't last.

    Oh, and yes: my battery consumption is higher too and GPS is behaving strange sometimes (like having to do a soft reset because I can't get a consistent fix).

    Basically 4.40 is broken for me. I'm refraining from going back to 4.20 yet because it will delete everything.

  • after latest updates, it drains battery much faster

  • Same here. For one week I had this firmware 4.40 and everything was fine with battery. Today after my usual run battery was 10% and the watch told me that I should recharge it. This evening again battery is 10%   Scream.  I just listened to music for half an hour or so.

    I have PulseOX always on, but with the last firmware this was not a problem , and for the first week also with this firmware this was not a problem.

    I don't know what has happened. Today before the run I did a hard reset of the watch (20 seconds light button press).

  • no probs here, running with Stryd, battery drain on some days a little bit more, but OK, mostly 10% a day

  • Today I did a 30 min run with music, Pulse Ox is always on, battery consumption seems normal again, this evening I don't need to recharge the watch. In my run today I just changed from "gps+galileo" to "gps only".