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garmin coach vs Training state

Hi there,

I'm following Garmin Coach half Marathon plan (coach Greg, 4/week). I'm in the 3rd week now and I still haven't had anything else then a smooth run. Moreover however, I see the garmin coach is very inconsistent with my Training Status. Just following the coach renders my training state Unproductive. Even more, my VO2max has decreased in the last 3 weeks (only 2 points, but still).

What should I do? Keep following the Garmin Coach, or go about my own and follow the info from Training status?

Hope to learn something from this!


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  • I’m experiencing the same thing with the McMillan half-marathon plan. A few weeks in, I started to realize what Garmin-Blake said...there is no real integration of the coaching plans to the rest of the watch. That’s definitely not what I expected. I would expect that if I rate a workout as too hard or too easy that the plan would adapt accordingly by adjusting future pace targets...and somehow leveraging all the FirstBeat data to do the same. I don’t think the plan adapts at all based on your workout performance. It sticks to whatever goal you entered when you created the plan. It’s up to you to realize that various pace targets may not align with your fitness and you need to adjust. For example, If an easy run has you running at a pace that puts you in HR zone 3 vs 2, you just need to run slower, otherwise, your easy run will have a tempo training effect and you won’t be getting enough low aerobic training.

    It’s definitely annoying to have a disconnect between Training Status and a Garmin Coach plan. The only real benefit seems to be not having to manually create and schedule all the workouts.

  • Strange that you've only had smooth runs.  My first run was a nine minute benchmark run.  My next run was stride repeats.  Then a couple of easy runs. I'm also doing Greg, but only three times a week.

    Were you going for a specific time, or just completion?

  • guys - what you expect from the training plan is a bit far stretched :-) - adjusting the plan based on either your feedback (eg: i had a good training - rpe 7) or physiological markers (hrv and whatever else fitbit is detecting)  would request to implement artificial intelligence and integrate that with the plan, the performance metrics and the training status. in real life that is achieved by hiring a coach - that 'feels' you as an ahtlete. not even the plans from trainingpeaks or other platforms are delivering 'the real thing' with regards to this (and imho the same goes for remote coaching as well). my guess is that it will take a couple of more years until we'll get those ai features (but sooner or later we will get them) - until then - the plans are purely guidelines on how to structure your training. take the plan as it is, listen to your body and adapt it accordingly ;-) 

  • strange indeed! I was (still am) going for a specific time. Now 4 weeks in (4 sessions a week) and I only had 2 stride repeats

  • The Garmin coach feature is more of a gimmick and if you are experienced a complete waste of time and energy, you won't make gains. Stick to the proper training plans or your own or from someone else. Garmin coach is a feature for simplicity and convenience. And the 10k garmin coach plans are bugged anyway, some make you run intervals for 15kms lol, then expect you to back up next day as if you didn't do any intervals whatsoever. Too much for 10k

  • I tend to disagree. i am using Coach Greg's plan 4 times per week targeting 56min 10k, in my 7th week now; and i have the same problem as mentioned above, unproductive status, dropping VO2MAX, while i was doing Coach Jeff before, similar target, and there the VO2Max was actually going up. It had indeed some maddening trainings especially towards the end, with not only 15km but even 24km easy runs, as well as 20x800m speed training - all that was too much in my opinion and I have skipped those - i did not go over 21km easy or 12x800m speed . I did not fully hit my target of 57 minutes then, but at least i did make a new PR. And the idea of coach Jeff of doing this in run-walk-run mode was new for me, and actually worked - my PR was done this way.