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altimeter calibration?

I finally upgraded my old trusty 920xt to 935xt which I love.

However, on my runs on nearly completely flat roads the elevation gains are totally wrong.

I've read previous posts and advice from garmin and cleaned watch by soaking in soapy water, I've attempted to manually calibration in altimeter mode but when I got to save after aquiving gps satelites I get 'calibration failed'. But, clearly the elevation value calculated came back but won't save.

So, how do I get my 935 to calculate reasonable elevation either via altimeter or barometric modes?

Update : see attached run summary/elevation for same two mile loop 920 vs 935

935 summary:

920 summary:

Thanks in advance.


  • Unfortunately, my experience says that you cannot get accurate results from 935. I have been calibrating it with altimeter and with barometric modes. I can set altimeter on sea level to zero, set baromte value. And then I move 15 meters away from water on the beach I have got altimeter to show me that Im 15m above sea level. Although the watch is about somewhere 1,5m above sea level... I'm so used to getting my floors getting all climbed then Im walking on the flat ground... There are so much gimmicks on those watches and still we pay hundreds of dollars to buy them, we become beta testers for companies. And companies can get away with that.  So don't waste your time, you cannot never get it work correctly.

  • I’ve tried all the different modes and captured the ‘test’ modes which might suggest temp and alt sensors are not working any longer. I do swim in salted pool water twice a week. Do you think it is worth getting replaced watch from garmin? 

  • By all means have it replaced. I always had reasonably accurate altimeter function with the FR935 during runs and cycling, with the usual expected drift when ambient pressure changes quickly, just as every ABC watch I've used over the years. But what's good enough for me may be unacceptable to others. But anyway, yours is clearly broken if altimeter and baro are not working anymore. If you have no backup watch, before starting the RMA procedure, ask Garmin Support if and when they have stock of FR935s, because it can take a very long time to receive one.