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No OHR readings below 30 bpm?

I've noticed that my RHR readings regularly reach 30 bpm, but never less than 30 bpm. I know from ECG measurements that my HR can go as low as 28 bpm.

I couldn't find anything in the manual. Suunto and Fitbit also don't specify a lower limit for their OHR devices while Polar say it's 15 bpm for their products.

Does anyone know if there is a limit of the FR935 for OHR readings?
  • I can't tell you if there is a limit or not but I can confirm that I observe the same. I also regularly reach 30bpm and sometimes I see short drops of no HR-reading in the last 4h graph whenever I suspect that to happen (e.g. HR is in the range of 30-35).

    No big deal for me, it happens 2-3 times a week and it has no effect on the RHR-trending (I observe it a bit to see if I recover enough). Btw: I'm no pro-athlete or something like that. My resting-HR has always been very low.
  • Believe 30 is the limit. Indeed when I see that I kind of know it is a false reading. If I see mid 30s then I might believe it for myself.