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GPS update during 9.80 software update

I was force updated into My sw: 9.80, GPS 3.30, display 2.10, bluetooth/ANT: 2.50, WHR: 2.20, Connect IQ: 2.4.9.

Since then I have not been able to pick up a GPS signal at all. I have hard reset it and as garmin support suggested I have deleted the CPE and EPO files and then re synced it to try and fix it. None of this has worked after multiple times.

The watch is 2.5 years old when this was forced onto it and now Garmin are saying they can replace it for £92 as its out of warranty. I think this is a piss take from them. 

Has anyone managed to fix this problem before? Or fought Garmin on their ridiculous service of forcing a fault onto your watch and then charging you for a replacement. 

  • I too was forced into  9.8,but did not incur problems. However, sometimes getting an initial fix takes a while when the watch has ben updated (or I move to a vastly different location). Make sure you have synced the watch with GC. Then I would take it off, put it outside and start an activity using GPS while it has an open sky view and is still. Leave it there for some time and see if it eventually finds it. Usually after this first fix, it acquires a signal faster next time. Sometimes depending on the satellite locations and last time updated, I just need to leave it outside for 5 min before my activity and it is fine, albeit not perfectly convenient. For some reason having a near full battery charge helps. That said, the battery may go in the next 6-12 months anyway -- I did a replacement for that anyway and it is a decent deal unless you want to upgrade your model. Good luck.

  • I was also forced to update to 9.80 and my GPS is not working. Same thing, my is also a 2,5 years old.