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Elevation gain differences: Garmin connect, Strava, Komoot

Hi there,

I went out with the bike yesterday.

When checking the tour afterwards I have noticed (big) differences between different platforms regarding the elevation gain.

I have in the phone installed Garmin connect, Strava and Komoot. They all 3 get my tours when connecting the 735xt

Check the attached pictures. They show same time and distance, but different elevation gain

How is this possible??


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  • and replicating the tour in google maps shows the value closer to the Strava one

  • The FR735XT doesn't have a barometric altimeter, so it uses GPS data for altitude, and that can be very inaccurate. This is why Garmin Connect uses so called "elevation correction" for devices without an altimeter. Elevation correction uses DEM data for elevation, so that 191 m in garmin connect comes from that. On the other hand I do not know how komoot or strava calculate elevation gain, but perhaps they use different DEM model or they use the raw GPS data (i.e. very inaccurate). Try disabling elevation correction for that activity in garmin connect and see what elevation gain you see then.

    Anyway, to sum it up in some simple words, calculating elevation gain is a tricky beast and the discrepancies come from using different methods of calculating elevation gain.

  • ahá

    So it would be better to record the tours with the phone for the elevation gain

    How can I disable the elevation correction?

  • How can I disable the elevation correction?

    In the garmin connect website click the activity to open its details, and there on the right side, right below the device image, you'll find "elevation correction".

  • Now we know how the Komoot does his calculations: