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Dead screen after one year of using Garmin 735xt

I've been using Garmin 735xt for one year.
A few days ago, just after a pool swim, the screen on my watches crashed. Watches were reacting on keys pressing, screen backlight worked as well. But the screen was showing only strange artifacts and stripes. I rebooted the watch and the problem has been solved.

Today in the morning I found my watches having the same issue. But rebooting doesn't help anymore. Yesterday evening, when I put them off, they were working just fine.

Is it a software issue or mechanical failure?
Or maybe the water could get into the watches and cause such effect.
It's a pity, that in a week I'm going to do my first full Ironman, and I was counting on the watches.

  • Sounds like water got in, there have been quite a few reports of this on the 735 if you search these forums.
  • I had the exact same problem as che.andrey yesterday after a short pool swim. The watch is supposed not only to be waterproof but reliable for triathlons ! Any help please to resolve this issue ?
  • Any help please to resolve this issue ?

    No one here on this forum is able to repair a broken watch for you. Depending on place of purchase your first step should be contacting the seller and if this is not an option, then Garmin support directly.
  • No one here on this forum is able to repair a broken watch for you. Depending on place of purchase your first step should be contacting the seller and if this is not an option, then Garmin support directly.

    tmk2 is correct - all we can do is suggest some things to try. On occasions I have had watches "dry out" (if this is the problem) after a while. Other times they have unfortunately had to be replaced.

    Aside from the obvious screen issues, does the watch still appear to be working?
  • That happened to my Garmin Swim watch. If still under 1 year from purchase, it should be under warranty. Contact Garmin as suggested and likely ship you a replacement. If over 1 year, they usually will offer you to buy the replacement at a discount (in the US, $110 for a 735xt). However, the replacements are typically refurbished, and I had a bad experience with the refurbished Garmin Swim they sent (the glue came apart after 7 months). I actually cracked my 735xt screen recently (struck head on by a 910xt wrist to wrist by someone passing down the middle). It has still been waterproof (has a protector on) so I prefer to keep this and buy the refurbished only if necessary. Your predicament sounds like you need a watch right away. Sorry. That shouldn't be. Do be careful not to press buttons while watch is submerged (the countdown start timer in 8.30 firmware reduced the risk).
  • Thank you all for your feedback. I plugged it yesterday to charge it overnight in an attempt to "dry it out". The stripes started to fade off and the screens started to be visible but blinking continuously. That helped me to confirm that the watch is still working. I will call Garmin support.
  • I've got the exact same issue, really annoying. I took a swim (the first with my FR735XT) last weekend and it was dead 15 min later. I've tried to reboot the watch several times, and every time there is some water coming out around the On/Off button, so I got a feeling there is a leak around that button. Unfortunately, I purchased it one year and two weeks ago, so the warranty has expired, so will be interesting to see how Garmin will deal with this.
  • Exact same situation with the 735xt. 12 months to the day almost, and the screens fizzles. Exactly how described here.

    Shame Garmin only has a 12 month warranty. Will look at polar in the future. Too much to pay for a 12 month watch. Did contact Garmin in Australia, however unresponsive to date. Disappointing. 

  • Same thing happened to me. I wasn't using it for swimming, only running o far and got the blinking backlight after just a year (disappeared after 1-2 days and have two brighter spots on the right side of the screen).

  • Dear  what was the solution? Im with the same problem and very frustated.