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Garmin 645 Music Error Code 0100

I have contacted Garmin about this, but the customer service employee did not seem to know what to do.  Has anyone had an error code of 0100 when trying to update a Spotify playlist?  Spotify is on my watch, but it won't update playlist.  

  • I think this would be a question to Spotify Helpdesk  ... did you already try to uninstall Spotify an reinstall? If this not helps, reset 645M.

  • No offence, but it just feels unhelpful to point someone to Spotify to resolve issues.

    Spotify could not care less about the spotify app.  Garmin probably paid them to allow them to have an app that Garmin customers use to access Spotify.

    Gnat on a dogs behind is what the Garmin "Spotify-App" users are to Spotify.  Garmin, on the other hand has a big chunk of it's customer base struggling to use their product.

    Millions of people happily use their phones and the spotify app.  

    If garmin goes away Spotify doens't care, if spotify goes away Garmin will have real issues with the direction of the company.

  • Heya, I’m having this issue now. Were you able to rectify it?? Thanks!! 

  • Yes.  Connect using your phone for wifi. Don't go through a router.