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Mounting on a mac

When I plug my 645M to my Mac it charges, but I can't see it mount and therefore can't transfer any files to it.
My 630 connects just great, so I'm not sure what the issue here really is.
Anyone here with a Mac and had this issue?
  • The music watch uses mtp (media transfer protocol), which the Mac does not natively support. There is a homebrew package - simple mtp I think - but it did not recognise the FR645M when I tried it. I will work on this if I don't find another solution. There's also a commercial file browser app that apparently works, but I'm cheap and already spent all my money on the watch.

    I would be interested to read what users of that file browser see when they connect to the watch?
  • I use Android File Transfer to move music/podcasts onto the watch.
  • A friend has the 645M. We set it up from my iMac and sent music to it without any issues. I created a separate playlist in iTunes and sent it over.
  • Not had any issues transferring music from the mac to the watch however when I had an issue before the latest software update I had to use a windows machine to get the error files. Otherwise the mac can't navigate to it as it's not recognised.
  • Did you get it to work? I have two Mac computers (Macbook Air and Macbook Pro) and neither of them seem to be able to identify my Forerunner 645M. When I connect the watch, it asks whether I want to use MTP or Garmin, but in both cases, nothing except charging happens. Garmin Express doesn't see the watch, and it doesn't show up in my Finder. I have tried SyncMate, but that app doesn't see the watch either.

  • I believe you're referring to SyncMate. I use it to mount the 645M in the Mac Finder. Looks like this.

    You can manipulate the files: add, delete, copy, etc.

  • I did get it to work, using Android File Transfer. That's the best way I found on a Mac for exploring and manipulating all the watch files and directories, but it conflicts with the Garmin USB driver. So whichever one you use, you must ensure that the other one is not running in the background.

  • The Android File Transfer tool did not work for me. One user indicated that the USB drivers for AFT and Garmin Express were not compatible. How to disable the Garmin driver?