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How does it work with Nike run club?

Former Member
Former Member
Hey there!
As I see people have got some issues, I'm just thinkin about to buy these watches and the question like - how these watches work with nike run club is the most important to me.
Please, owners with experience, share some details.

P.S.: Some kind of version of Nike Run Club installs to the watches and then I can manage my playlist and runs like this is a smartphone, this is how I see it (and probably wrong).
  • There is no version of Nike anything that runs on the watch. Garmin and Nike have a partnership where you Garmin runs will upload automatically to Nike Run Club. You sign in w/ your Garmin credentials in the Nike app or online. It works quite well, and has been nice for me, as I do have a group still on Nike that I like to keep track of. Occasionally I've had issue w/ it syncing, but have always been able to get it working. I have no idea how long this will last, and am frankly surprised it works at all, since Nike is such a closed shop.
  • I use Nike Run Club with my FR 645. It is not a direct link to the watch. It is linked to Garmin Connect (the mobile app). When I finish a run and it has loaded to Garmin Connect, I open the Nike app and the run is there.

    I hope this helps
  • Do you guys know if your old runs sync to NRC? I just connected my Garmin connect to my NRC app and none of my old runs have shown up. Will it not pull that data?
  • I know for many websites when you link you have to do the first run and then it pushes over all the old ones.
  • If you follow one of the nike training programmes but run your garmin device at the same time does the activity log twice in nrc?