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Not tracking sleep-- Effect on Stress level & Body battery?

I don't wear the device while sleeping. From what I've gathered, that means that the calculations of both the Stress level and the Body battery are likely to be off, right? Is there still any useful information to be gained by looking those numbers/graphs, given they lack any data from overnight?

  • I notice there haven't been any responses yet. Having to put a question about a relatively independent function in a device-specific forum isn't great for getting the question seen by people who can answer it. But there don't seem to be any forums centered on the various common functions, for example, "VO2 max", "Stress level", "Body battery", etc.

    I'm still hopeful someone can enlighten me, or at least share their thoughts/opinions. :-)

  • I agree that stress and body battery will have incorrect totals if the device is not worn throughout the night. In my opinion, looking at stress levels as it happens during the day would still be helpful so you can address and make changes as needed.