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Moving vs Elapsed time

Hi there.  I've seen plenty of questions, but no answer that satisfies me.

Yesterday I ran a half marathon race.  As such, straight pure running from start to finish.  And I get two different readings for my time.

I do not have Auto-pause on.  If I stop for any reason, the clock keeps on running.

Moving Time
Elapsed Time
What is the deal with "MOVING TIME"????
I NEVER stopped during my run.  Neither did I complete the 13.1 mile distance in 1:39:18.  My chip and Garmin time is 1:41:18.
Is this a bug or something?
Thanks for any input.
  • Moving time is calculated after the fact, when you upload your activity to GC. To calculate moving time, GC just subtracts the time it thinks you were moving slowly (or standing still) from your activity time. This is similar to how Strava calculates moving time.

    Did you race downtown with a lot of tall buildings? Maybe you lost GPS for a while, fooling GC into thinking you weren't really moving.

    If not, sounds like it's def a bug. You could send a link to your GC activity to [email protected] and see if they'll help you.

  • Can you post a link to the activity?

  • I get the same thing.  I have been a loyal Garmin customer (Three different watches) and have over 10 years of data showing the above problem.  Losing GPS connectivity should NOT show you as stopped, if this is not fixed it will be the main reason I buy another product.