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Top performance Garmin for very small wrist (ie. 955 equivalent for small wrists)

Hi all, I am looking for top Garmin watch that would fit my small and skinny wrist. I bought Garmin 955 yesterday, had it on my wrist for 1 day and although I love all this watch has to offer is just so big on my wrist. (my husband was looking for upgrade so will have it). Now I am looking at Fenix options as comes in small size and also latest 265...What are my options, thank you.

  • Please consider a 965S for my wife! She returned her 265S which was perfect but it doesn’t have Golf but her Venu 2s does and it’s less capable. If you are not going to have golf on the 265S then you need a smaller 965. There’s a huge gap in the lineup of your OLED watches. If you want a small watch for serious  fitness/running and golf your options are an Epix 2 Pro and that’s about. That sucks because the Epix 2 Pro is still quite thick for a small wrist. 

    Garmin you need a smaller sized forerunner that doesn’t cut out features your cheaper watches like Venu even have. 

  • I also have a rather small wrist for a man. I considered buying the Epix Pro 42mm, but went with the 965.

    Trying them on next to each other, the FR965, although being bigger, feels much less bulky and heavy. It is thinner, which in my view is more important than bezel size. I prefer the design as well. The titanium bezel adds a "premium" look I missed on my previous Forerunners.

    I'd strongly suggest you try it on next to a Fenix/Epix 42mm if you have the chance. It may look a bit big at first, but you get quickly used to it. The 42mm Fenix/Epix really stuck out due to the thickness. Also the design of the FR965 is smart that it doesn't appear too thick. I wear it 24/7 and love the big screen (that you otherwise only get with the 51mm Fenix/Epix Pro). Also the price tag is much more interesting. The only drawback at the moment is that the new Pro watches got the new v5 heart rate sensors although the 965 literally just came out. I guess Garmin needs to justify the price difference somehow, so that's okay.

    Having said that, if available, I would probably have opted for a FR965s, depending on how the battery life would be.

  • Your comment on the thickness of the watch rings true. I noticed the same thing even moving form the FR955. In fact the 965 is not much different to the 265 as the shape of the strap holding bracket is slightly different on the 965 vs the 265 and that offsets some of the diameter case size difference as well.

    See this link

  • Absolutely right. Funny, you are the first one to mention the offsetting placement of the strap holding brackets. It was indeed  the first thing that I noticed comparing 265 and 965. In fact, these brackets are the main factor when it comes to making the watch comfortable or uncomfortable to wear, as the determine whether the watch wraps nicely around the wrist. I remember the first s-Versions of the Fenix watches, which had super big outstanding brackets. The design is much better now. I would certainly not complain about 1-2mm less in thickness.