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elevation gain


is there any way to display elevation gain, not just current elevation during activity tracking?


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  • Thank you! This actually solved the problem

  • I see, so it all comes down to accuracy.

    Then I can't blame Garmin for not having this native data field, as the error could be significant.

    I'm relieved tough that there is a 3rd party solution for this. For me an estimation is better than not having this data at all, but I know not everybody agrees.

    A simple observation is that I have been experiencing much better accuracy than stated (+/-400 feet) from the total ascent of my activities on known routes so far, so I think I will be pretty safe using this estimation, at least where I run and bike. Of course results may vary and it makes sense for Garmin to show the worst case scenario.

  • I agree. It's really helpful on long trail races with massive elevation. You get a pretty good idea of how much elevation is left when you know the total elevation of the race. I have found that the total elevation from this datafield after the race also compares favourably to what race organisers put out.

    Also, there are numerous threads about watches such as the mighty 945 that calculate elevation using barometers that give bad results due to weather changes, bad calibration, blocked ports or faulty sensors, so there is no perfect solution for elevation at present.