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How to turn off recurring calendar access notification from Garmin Connect?

Every so often (at least once every few hours), I get a notification from Garmin Connect on my Android phone that says "Permission Required: A device is requesting access to your calendar."

I have a FR 245 Music, and I've gotten rid of the calendar widget on it, but this notification keeps occurring. How do I stop it from doing so?


  • On the clock, settings --> --> bloutooth, under there I could turn of notifiactions!

    Before that i tried on the mobile app = nogo, and on the web = nogo.

  • Thank you for this! I was not comfortable turning off all of the system notifications in the app, but was willing to do it if it would stop the repetitive calendar notifications! 

  • P. S. Chris850... saw you addendum after I got another of the calendar access requests! Seems the calendar should have its own settings to turn off, so that all system settings do not have to be turned off!!! But the repetitiveness is too much! I hope I do not lose functionality turning off all of the system notifications, but I am not willing to leave them on if they are sending unnecessary messages!

  • On the watch, hold down the clock face to go to Settings > Widgets > Calendar. You can disable it there, via the toggle.

  • This may only apply to certain users.  On my galaxy s9+, clicking the notification, i get three choices.  Allow.  Deny. Deny and Don't Ask Again.  I chose the third....see if the thing stops....

  • This may only apply to certain users.  On my galaxy s9+, clicking the notification, i get three choices.  Allow.  Deny. Deny and Don't Ask Again.  I chose the third....see if the thing stops....

  • On Android 10 you can go into Settings > Notifications > Connect.

    In there you can switch off the Access Required toggle and leave the rest of the Connect notifications on.

  • I had it too, and reading through this thread helped me.  On the Connect app on my Samsung Galaxy S8, I had to select Settings, then notifications, then App Notifications.  Even though Notification Access was turned off, I had to manually go in and uncheck Connect (along with a whole host of other apps that were checked in this app, god knows why!).  Fingers crossed it worked!