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Recording distance moved whilst paused

Hi - I use my forerunner 235 when doing track sessions. Tonight we did 12 x 2 mins with 60 s rest. I press my lap button and then pause at the end of each rep. The issue is that we don’t tend to start the next rep at the place where we finished. We may move to the 100/200/300 /400m point - whichever is closer forward or back. I start my watch again each time we start a new rep. My question is whether the distance moved whilst paused impacts the pace analysis for each lap?
  • nope - that change in distance isn't measured by garmin. you will notice a crazy line on map connecting the two points but the distance isn't counted.

    if you accidentally pause... then restart later after running a bit down the road... you can recover the distance on Strava by doing 'correct distance' on the website version, whichi will then roughly add that distance AND time back into the run, has helped me a few times. Then 'edit' and add it back into Garmin as well.