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Forerunner 235 and Walking

I ran across a steal of a deal on the Forerunner 235 that I couldn't resist.

I have been using the Vivosmart HR+ and my activity level is decent where I spend about 30 minutes a day on a treadmill and every other weekend on kayaking. I do track my daily steps, stairs, etc.

The Vivosmart HR+ has a walking activity, while the Forerunner 235 only covers running. My knees aren't very run friendly, so my treadmill time is usually a brisk walk. Is there an issue using the indoor running activity on the 235 to track my treadmill time?

I like the Vivosmart HR+ but really wish it had the color screen of the Vivoactive and supported Connect IQ. I don't really track my time on the kayak beyond distance but would the Vivoactive be a better option for my activity profile?

Thanks in advance.
  • Click on the store link in my sig. for the 23x I have "Hike" (which will record a Hike or an outdoor walk), as well as "simple walk" that's outdoor walk only, but a bit more customizable. And "indoor walk", for indoor walking (no GPS used).

    (hike2 is for devices with connect iq 2.x devices so can't be used on the 23x)
  • Thanks. I'll give them a try.

    Shame Garmin doesn't update the FR235 to include a walking activity.
  • Shame Garmin doesn't update the FR235 to include a walking activity.

    Typically, the FR devices are really "running" watches. and the profiles they support natively tend to be focused on that. You get more with a 7xx or 9xx forerunner, as they are multi-sport.

    There's the vivos, that support more, but are more general purpose, and lack some things you'll see on the fr's for running, and then the fenix watches. (the f5 and fr 935 are very similar in functionality right now, but one has a metal case! :) )

    But that's what's neat about Connect IQ. Things can be added that aren't "native"! Be it an activity, a watch face, or a data field that shows you the info you want to see. When the 23x/630 started shipping, "hike" only would record an activity as a hike, but when people were looking for walking, I added that as an option, and had it out in days.

    Think of it this way - would you only use the apps that came with your cell phone and no others? :) (and with my apps, they are always free :) )
  • Think of it this way - would you only use the apps that came with your cell phone and no others?


    The downside to the 930 is the larger size (and the price). The downside to the 735XT is the price. The 235 is about as big of a device my wrist can handle and the local Academy had it priced at almost half off. It was too tempting not to give it a try. Didn't realize the 235 didn't have a walking actiity until I finished the initial set-up and glad to see there's a third party app to fill the void.

    Curious, though, are the apps reflected in the Garmin Connect app? As an activity?
  • Nevermind. Just gave it a try and see it shows up under the Walking Activities.
    Nice app by the way.

    I also tried the Indoor Running activity on the treadmill. Oddly it labeled the activity as Treadmill Running. Is that a default label or does the 235 know you are on a treadmill (as oppose to a indoor track) based on the measures?
  • … Treadmill Running. Is that a default label…


    You can try starting a timed activity with the Run Indoor profile while sitting at your desk, wait 15 seconds, stop and save the activity, then sync your FR235 with Garmin Express or one of the Garmin Connect Mobile apps, and check how the activity is named in Garmin Connect.
  • Curious, though, are the apps reflected in the Garmin Connect app? As an activity?

    Yes. When the activity is uploaded (same as with something like a normal run), they show in GC, and also show as a walk or a hike instead of a run!
  • This seems like a good time to mention that I'm still beyond frustrated with the lack of native support for walking on the Forerunner 235. In addition to the occasional run, I walk 4-10 miles every day on my treadmill desk. I really don't care that the FR is "primarily targeted towards runners." That's a bogus excuse. I completely understand not supporting Paddle Boarding, Skiing, etc... But WALKING? Really? Runners take walks too, Garmin. Honestly, the fact that a $250+ running watch can't track walking is inexcusable...

    I've actually been considering downgrading to the Vivosmart 3 just so I can track my friggin' walks too... It's sad.

  • Just use Jim's app, it's great. You might beyond frustration but you only have yourself to blame for not checking out the features of a watch before buying.
  • I walk 4-10 miles every day on my treadmill desk. I really don't care that the FR is "primarily targeted towards runners."

    And they (and we, too) don't care about your particular use case. Don't assume the Forerunner 230/235 was designed for you specifically, or so much as with you in mind. It's your responsibility to perform due diligence, and match what is on offered by each device on the market to your requirements, to work out the best compromise for yourself (and the money you have to spend) knowing you can't have everything you want the way you want it. Don't expect to be accommodated by Garmin or anyone else in their design decisions made before you were a paying customer for the devices and services to which those decisions pertain.