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HRM run chest strap

Hi, does anyone use HRM run chest strap with your Forerunner 235? Does it work properly with it?
I don't belive in his whrm, i think on my watch it is not work good...

Thank you for your answers..

  • Hi, does anyone use HRM run chest strap with your Forerunner 235? Does it work properly with it?
    I don't belive in his whrm, i think on my watch it is not work good...

    Thank you for your answers..


    Yes, its works propely with the the chest strap. I used the chest strap before to intervall training but not anymore because the whrm is good enough for me to intervall training too.
  • Yes can also confirm it works fine with the 235 and indeed as well as with any other Garmin watch have ever used.

    I tend to use a HR strap for actual runs and just use the OHR to see what HR is doing otherwise.
  • I recently purchased a 235. After pairing with my HRM Run chest strap, I saw my activity acknowledge it was using the external sensor. Where can I view the other data point the chest strap can capture? I am interested in ground contact and bounce. I did not see these values in the details section of garmin connect after finishing the activity. I thought 235 supported advanced dynamics. Is there something I need to activate?
  • Afraid the 235 does not support running dynamics - well other than cadence.
    You would need a 630 or 735 or 920 or Fenix 3 for that.
  • I recently purchased a 235. After pairing with my HRM Run chest strap, I saw my activity acknowledge it was using the external sensor. Where can I view the other data point the chest strap can capture? I am interested in ground contact and bounce. I did not see these values in the details section of garmin connect after finishing the activity. I thought 235 supported advanced dynamics. Is there something I need to activate?

    got bad news for you. it said right on the website:

    ¹Running dynamics features are available only on the Forerunner® 620/920XT and fēnixTm 2. HRM-Run is compatible with several other fitness products but will only display heart rate when paired.