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How do I use a Connect IQ data field

Installed a couple data fields from the store to try them out. App says they are synced to my watch, but I cannot figure out how to actually have them display on my watch.

When going to activity -> settings -> data screens, there is nothing about the custom fields at all.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    The short answer is that you have to replace a built-in data field with the Connect IQ data field.

    An example may be something like:
  • The short answer is that you have to replace a built-in data field with the Connect IQ data field.

    An example may be something like:

    Wow that is overly complex. Thank you so much.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Wow that is overly complex.

    The steps I linked to - allow you to change Data Screen #3... which is different to how you would change Data Screen #1 & #2.

    It was just that I had already written that and it was easy and quick to link to.

    How to change Data Fields on Data Screen #1 & #2.

    • Go into the activity you want to change the Data Fields (Run, Run Indoor, etc...)
    • Then go into Menu->Activity Settings->Data Screens
    • Then go to Screen 1 or 2...
    • Then select Layout (it will take you to the Data Screen and you use <> to add/remove number of Data Fields); then back once
    • Then select Data Field 1 (as an example - could be 1,2,3,4)
    • Then select Connect IQ
    • Then select the custom Data Field you wish to use.
    • Repeat for any other fields you wish to replace.

    Caveat: You are only allowed two Connect IQ customized Data Fields per Activity.
  • The steps I linked to - allow you to change Data Screen #3... which is different to how you would change Data Screen #1 & #2.

    It was just that I had already written that and it was easy and quick to link to.

    How to change Data Fields on Data Screen #1 & #2.

    • Go into the activity you want to change the Data Fields (Run, Run Indoor, etc...)
    • Then go into Menu->Activity Settings->Data Screens
    • Then go to Screen 1 or 2...
    • Then select Layout (it will take you to the Data Screen and you use <> to add/remove number of Data Fields); then back once
    • Then select Data Field 1 (as an example - could be 1,2,3,4)
    • Then select Connect IQ
    • Then select the custom Data Field you wish to use.
    • Repeat for any other fields you wish to replace.

    Caveat: You are only allowed two Connect IQ customized Data Fields per Activity.

    Yeah, I figured that out from the other post, my original issue was despite the fact that they are accurately called connect iq data 'fields', every single one is built and screenshot like a data 'screen', so I was trying to add them as such. I really appreciate your help, I put a lot of frustrating time into trying to get it to work.