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Unable to connect to phone GPS

My vivosmart 4 is no longer able to connect to my iPhone GPS. my iPhone shows a notification that the gps is being send to the tracker but I only see “waiting for GPS” and than after some time “unable to connect to phone gps”.
My location sharing is set to "always".
This feature used to work but suddenly stopped. 
I tried to disconnect and reconnect my device, I restarted the device, I delete and reinstall the app, but nothing works...
Data sync from the device to iPhone is working well, all info about activity is being send, I just cannot use phones GPS...
iOS 14.4 (updated from 13 specially because of this issue but it did not solved the problem)
Anyone have the same issue?
  • Hello!  It looks like you have done quite a bit of troubleshooting already. Can you plug the device into the computer and sync with Garmin Express, be sure its up to date then can you go ahead and reset the device to defaults and try again? Please keep me updated if this works.

  • Thank you, unfortunately this did not helped, still the same situation.

    Current Vivo version: 4.90 

  • Hi, new user here and fresh owner of vivosmart 4 and I’m having the same problem and also did the whole resetting/rebooting thing on many different ways (with Garmin Express and Garmin Connect) and that did nothing to me.

    plus i’m having all stuff up to date and properly synchronised.

    I read before about this problem and thought these topics were already outdated and the whole gps issue was solved so I decided to buy vivo but it seems that even with new updates problem still exist and that’s a bummer. What can I do to have my band properly work with my iphone in this matter? Personally I think that the problem lays in firmwire of the vivosmart, but I’m no specialist so I’m writing here for help.

  • Hello .  Can you please confirm that you have follow all instructions in the FAQ below:

    Using the Connected GPS Feature With a Garmin Watch

  • Yes, I did all by the book.

    multiple times Sunglasses

  • Thank you for confirming.  I do not see any support cases for this specific issue, so it may be a bad a defective part in the watch, though I cannot say for sure.  I would recommend reaching out directly to your local Garmin Support team via telephone (or Live Chat, if available).

  • Thanks for that. I made contact with my local garmin support and i was never expecting that solving this issue will go so smooth and fast. My band was somehow non-functional but thanks to your support and customer service i got a new one and its working perfectly.
    If some of you, garmin users have the same problem you should contact your local garmin team and don’t hesitate. They will help you. Im still positively shocked how smooth that went and im enjoying my properly working vivo. Thank you again and wish you all the luck

  • the same problem. vivosmart 4 version 5.10, ios 13.4, app using for one day inside and outside, does not connect to gps