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VM Style disconnecting during GPS connected activity

Hi everybody,

I just became owner of a VM Style. I got it yesterday to test and surprised me a certain problem I encountered and wanted to know if anybody had this too.

First I started the activity cycling with GPS connected.

During a cycling activity of 1 hour, I could control the music (Spotify), check HR and speed on watch from time to time,... but after 45 minutes, I noticed the screen went unresponsive.

Once I arrived back home, I found out that actually nothing from the activity had been recorded or transferred to the GC app. ... just in case: yes, my phone as all the time with me.

I didn't give a ticket to the guys of Garmin yet, because I want to give it a try again this weekend, but has anyone experienced something similar?

I use an Iphone 6s and Cyclemeter app in the background (I am not ready yet to let it go, ;). Garmin connect app was also active on the iphone, and "refresh in background" also allowed.

Thanks in advance,