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True Up not working properly

Hi all
My wife has been using a Vivosmart HR+ for some time and connecting fine to Garmin Connect. However last week she bought a Vivomove HR so it would look a bit nicer with her business outfits. She is an avid step counter and is driven to achieving her goal every day.

So, I checked that both have the True-Up feature which in theory should sync her steps between devices, but this isn't happening properly. Over the last week it has worked like this: She gets up in the morning and does some step on the Vivomove (e.g. 1000), she then puts the Vivosmart on and goes for a run (she wants to use the GPS to track it and upload to Strava) and gets steps for this (e.g. 7000). So I would now expect everything to sync together and show 8000 on all devices. However this isn't working. This morning GC was showing 1000, she then got back from her run and GC briefly showed 8000. Then 15 mins later she checked and GC had changed and was showing 7000 (just the run steps from the Vivosmart). The others steps had disappeared. None of this has been synced to the Vivomove which is now showing 2362.

Yesterday a similar thing happened and then in the evening the Vivomove suddenly pulled through the steps on GC but didn't add the ones already on her watch, which lowered her overall steps for the day by several thousand! She was gutted!

So, to summarise, True Up is not working properly and I don't know why. I have checked all the settings and everything seems fine. Can anyone help please?


p.s. I'm seeing lots of posts about physio TrueUp but I'm not referring to this. Just syncing steps.
  • For a TrueUp to work properly you have to sync your first device (then i always turn it off) then grab another device sync it back to get your steps from GC and when your wife comes back from a run then she needs to sync that device with GC again the (turn it off again i always do that) then grab the first one turn it on and sync with GC again. It works for me but i use different devices then your wife does. Hope it helps.
  • I do same as Darre80. Just without switching off VMHR (VMHR is always on). My main tracker is VA3 (always switched off when not in use). Every time I want to switch to another tracker - first I sync the one I am wearing (untill all current data shows in GCM, sometimes it takes 2-3 times to repeat the sync for proper data show in GCM), than I put on another tracker and sync it few times untill I see proper results on new watch.
    it worked well even before true up for steps. And I have correct step number on my watches I wear all the time.
    If I do not sync before switching, sometimes in the end of the day it looses part of steps...
    PS sometimes in day view the steps are shown correct, but if you go inside step tab there are less steps shown there. It means not all data is synced yet properly. You need to initiate the sync again untill same number of steps shown in day view and inside steps tab. Only then switch on and sync other device you want to wear.
  • I agree with Darre80 and MarchiusZ. One watch must be on and the other off (or sleeping). Use one watch, sync out, turn it off or put it asleep. Wake the other watch, take 50 steps so that you have something to sync, then sync the second watch. So, one watch asleep and the other awake, sync out the active watch and put it to sleep before wearing the second watch, walk 50 steps with the second watch, sync the second watch, and you are good to go. You lose steps either from sync issues or a filled memory. Solve the sync problems by having one watch asleep. Solve the memory problem by going into File Manager on your computer and deleting anything more than about 2 weeks of activities (yes, memory should hold 4 weeks, but good luck with keeping 4 weeks of steps).;)