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Paused Rollout - vivoactive 4 Series- SW 5.30

 There will be another update coming soon! 

Software version 5.30

 Change Log:

  • Added details page to last sport widgets
  • Added improvements for faster syncs with Garmin Connect Mobile
  • Improved shortcut setup and interaction with the page
  • Fixed potential auto activity start false positives
  • Fixed issues with double swipes from the watch face
  • Removed golf course list timeout when starting golf activity
  • Fixed layout of the 'No Notifications' page
  • Added support for calibrating elevation from Garmin Connect Mobile
  • Updated stopwatch layout
  • Improved time to first GPS fix in certain conditions
  • Made general bug fixes for golf activities
  • Fixed body battery graph layout
  • Increased precision of weight in strength activities
  • Enabled app encryption for widgets and data fields
  • Improved translations
  • Fixed smart notification timeouts

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  • This update just ruined my battery life. After last gps update it went to 2 and a half day from solid 4 and after 5.30 it can hold barely for 30 hours :( Also the weight limit from 5 kg makes no sense. 

  • This update ruined my battery. After last gps update it went from solid 4 days to 2 and now, after installimg 5.30 it is barely 30 hours! Also the 5 kg weight limit for exercise makes no sense.

  • , the strength app no longer allows me to put in a weight of 0. This is useful for correcting reps of BODYWEIGHT exercises, where there is no external weight.  Why is there even a minimum of 5.0 pounds? People could be using 2 pound dumbbells for all you know

    A pretty sizeable oversight garmin! 
    It looks like the limit is 5 units... whether set to pounds or kilograms. 

  • I find this very frustrating as well. Currently the only way to overcome this is to enter your reps, click the checkmark, then on the weight screen swipe back to return to the reps screen, swipe back to erase the previously entered reps and then swipe back one last time to exit editing. The screen will then show the number of reps you just entered (despite erasing it), but weight will be blank.

    Obviously not very intuitive, but a solution nonetheless if you don't want to enter any weight. Of course, this definitely needs to be fixed.

  • the strength app no longer allows me to put in a weight of 0. This is useful for correcting reps of BODYWEIGHT exercises, where there is no external weight.  Why is there even a minimum of 5.0 pounds? People could be using 2 pound dumbbells for all you know.

    I have reported this to my team and added you to our case regarding this. Once I have an update I will reach out to you. 

  • I have reported this to my team and added you to our case regarding this. Once I have an update I will reach out to you. 

  • HI Martin. I created a case and have my team looking into this. I have added everyone to this case to get some movement on it!

  • I have reported this feedback regarding the battery life. In the mean time 

    • Plug the device into the computer and sync with Garmin Express
    • Once it's finished, unplug the device
    • Please reset the device to defaults
    • This will start the watch from new. Please go to watch settings, system then reset to defaults.
    • Clean the contacts with rubbing alcohol
    • Please charge fully through the computer

    Once these steps are completed, please test the device over the next 48 hours and report back how the battery has held up. We will then reevaluate from there.

  • Thank you for posting these changelogs, , it's super helpful.

  • Thank you for posting these changelogs, , it's super helpful.

    No problem! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime if I can help with something!