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Vivoactive Respiration Rate - So inaccurate it cant be used

I have had a Vivoactive 4 for 5 days now and the respiration rate reads +- 10 bpm high and does not reflect my instaneous breathing rate at all.  I breath at 1-2 bpm while meditation for 30 mins, the respiration rate shows 12-15 bpm.  When I use the Garmin breathwork  app on the watch the respiration rate on the graph afterwards ( Garmin connect) shows a drop to 4- 5 bpm, for the duration of the exercise and then jumps straight back up to 12-15 bpm when I am still breathing at 4 bpm afterwards?  Can’t see that the watch is doing any Repsiration rate calculation at all?  Makes me question the whole feature.  And yes I am holding the arm and watch still and the HR is accurate.

Contacted Garmin and they have told me that it takes longer for the watch to adapt to me through continual wearing, but after 5 days, I seriously doubt that there will be any change?  Has anyone else had these issues?  I will probably return.  The Respiration Rate feature was the only reason I bought a Garmin!


  • I  would not even begin to think a wrist-based device could measure my resperation with any degree of accuracy. It would be all software estimates based on some generalized code.

    The VA4 sleep data is barely close, sometimes.

    The Pulse Ox is within 10 points - not accurate.

    The Resting HR is almost always 15-20 points too low.

    Broadcasting your HR to Tacx or some other app, is not even close to what it really is (according to the HR strap, and what I feel), Useless.

    I  don't really trust any of the measurements anymore.