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Phone call notification - display name not number?

Hi all,
I have noticed that when my phine rings, my VAM3 displays the number of the caller but not the name from my contacts list. I have an android phone, google contacts. Yet if I miss the call it will tell me the name of the caller I missed.

Is there a way to show the caller name rather than their number for an incoming call.
I have Contacts ticked on the smart notifications options on my phone but is there something else I need to set?
  • Make sure the Connect APP has permission to see your contacts. You can do this by going into System->Apps, finding the Connect app and checking what permissions it has. To make sure things are working I find it's best just to allow all the permissions it wants, but you should check you're happy with them before doing so.
    But yea, allow the Contacts permission, then it should work.
  • Brillant. Thanks. Hadnt checked the actual Connect app persmissions settings.
  • Mine still not working even though the app has contacts enabled. I believe the issue is the stupid android. It worked flawlessly on my iphone.

  • Same here, switched to Android from iPhone because of work. Worked flawlessly on my iPhone, but even after I gave the app all the permissions, it does not work as it should on the Android phone. 

  • I had the same problem with Android (Samsung A70) and managed to fix it. I had the permissions OK but it did not work. I did the following: 1) I removed the Connect-apps "Access Contats" -permission from phone settings. 2) Rebooted the phone. 3) Tested with a call and it worked as it should ie showing only the number. 4) Closed the Connect app 5) I gave Connect the permission again in phone settings. 6) Opened and Synced the app with VA3 (not sure if this had anything to do with the fix...) 7) Tested again and it shows the caller name from Contacts.