Because in a calendar week Sunday is the first day. Why would people here in the US want to have it start on a Monday? I want my weeks based on actual calendar weeks of Sunday thru Saturday. Why is that…
Check whether it has the same setting on the watch, GCM and GC.
I was just going make a post about this when I found yours. What is the point of the setting for start day when they are going to ignore it anyway?
Why would anyone set Sunday as the first day of the week?
I can understand that in the Middle East, they consider Saturday as the first, since they consider Friday the last day......
But in the western world, Monday have always been the first and Sunday the last day. Saturday & Sunday is called "the weekend", because it's in the END of the week. If Saturday was the last and Sunday was the first day, it would be called "the weekends" (plural).