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Zero intensity minutes

Hi, I bought my Vivoactive 3 last December and I wear it for almost all my activites. I never had a single intensity minute awarded.

For example, see the attached picture, which is a 4 km run I did today. Got zero intensity minutes for it.

Has anyone had this issue before?

I'm 27 years old if that matters.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    I'm more intrigued about why you whited out where your run took place. Are you on Interpol's most wanted list? I have no idea why you're not getting intensity minutes.
  • In general: For getting intensity minutes, you have to have a higher heart-rate than x for constant 10 minutes. If you dip under this heart rate without exceeding it >10 minutes, you won't get intensity minutes.

    Now the question is, which HR you have to have to get intensity minutes: Hold on the clock screen, go to settings, fitness tracker, intensity minutes. I guess there is set Auto? Honestly I don't know which HR will be chosen on auto, but you can change to HR zones. Then you will see/can change in which HR zone you have to be to get usual (x1) or high (x2) minutes. In your case when choosing HR zone 2+3, you will get 1 intensity minute per minute when having a HR > 111 and 2 intensity minutes per minute when having a HR >133. Of course you have to be over these limits for 10 minutes, only then intensity minutes will start counting.
  • Thanks Bernhard for your reply. My watch indeed was on "Auto" for the intensity minutes. I changed it to HR Zones (Set moderate to zone 3 and vigorous to zone 4) and go for a run, I'll let you know if this corrects the issue.
  • Bernhard, if I want 2 & 3 as moderate and 4 & 5 as intense, how do I do that on the VA3? It lets me chose only 1 HR Zone for each. Do I enter 2 for moderate and 4 for intense and it recognizes that between 2 and lower than 4 it should be moderate and 4 and higher intense?
  • Exactly, the HR zone you choose is the minimum for intensity minutes. So you have to choose 2 for moderate and 4 for intense.
  • Now the question is, which HR you have to have to get intensity minutes: Hold on the clock screen, go to settings, fitness tracker, intensity minutes. I guess there is set Auto? Honestly I don't know which HR will be chosen on auto, but you can change to HR zones. Then you will see/can change in which HR zone you have to be to get usual (x1) or high (x2) minutes. In your case when choosing HR zone 2+3, you will get 1 intensity minute per minute when having a HR > 111 and 2 intensity minutes per minute when having a HR >133. Of course you have to be over these limits for 10 minutes, only then intensity minutes will start counting.

    Bernhard , sadly, even though I changed the Intensity minutes setting from auto to HR Zones (setting Zone 2 for moderate and zone 4 for intensive), this didn't solve my issue. I went for a 25 min. run and my HR was about the same as in the picture I posted in my OP, but I still didn't get any Intensive minutes, only "regular"minutes.

    Any other ideas?

  • Have you been in zone 4 or 5 for more than 10 minutes constantly? Could you share the activity and provide the link?
  • Have you been in zone 4 or 5 for more than 10 minutes constantly? Could you share the activity and provide the link?

    Here is a screenshot of my last run run and the detail of my heart rate zones. As you can see, I was above my zone 4 heart rate for most of the run, that is for about 20 minutes. Why I get no vigorus minutes is a mystery.
  • I had a 30 minute run this morning on Auto intensity minutes and got 1 moderate and 35 vigorous :confused:
  • @papapapavy: Ok, you should get ~20 * 2 = 40 intensity minutes with this run. Are these 40 minutes shown in your widget on the watch? Then we can see if the problem relies on the watch or on the sync between watch and phone. Hint: Intensive minutes are shown as usual moderate intesitiy minutes, but they count double (so 2 minutes for 1 minute intensive).

    @Rueppi: Could you share the activity or send a screenshot where we see when you got which HR? (see the first screenshot of papapapavy)