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Edit Data Field "Notes"


In 'running' I set a 3-field data field, and I opted to have to screens. A total of six bits of data while I'm running. I set the VA3 to auto scroll 'medium' so I'd be able just look down and see one then the other field.

When I ran it worked as expected, except in auto scroll there was a third screen in the rotation. It was a all-black screen and in the middle it had the text 'no notes.'

1) I might have notes someday, but not today, I would prefer not to have the 'notes' screen show up in auto scroll
2) Anyway, if there are in fact 'no notes' why would it auto-scroll at all?

How to a remove the black 'notes' as one of the data screens that show up in auto-scroll when I'm out running. (Hey Jim)
  • Same question. I adjusted the data fields and screens under run. 2-field data, and all three screens active. It is set to auto-scroll.
    Sure enough, every fourth screen is black with the word 'no note' on it.

    When I am running, and look down at my VA3 doing it's auto-scroll thing, what is the value of having the note field pop up every rotation. Even if I did have a note in there, why would I want a static few characters on a black screen to flash by repeatedly during an hour run.

    Seems I must be able to remove the black 'notes' screen from auto-scroll data screens, I just don't see how.
  • I'm still hating this, and wish a fellow user would pop and explain how I can make it stop.

    Scene: I'm running on a treadmill, I look down at my VA3, it is is in auto-scroll mode, and I have two screens and each screen has two fields in it. So I have four bits of data that I am interested it.

    Auto scroll goes "screen 1" -> "screen 2" -> "note field, with nothing in it..a blank black screen" -> "screen 1" -> "screen 2" -> etc. etc.

    There is a 33% chance when I look down at the screen it'll be a blank screen (of course with my luck it is nearly 100% of the time."

    When in auto scroll I don't want the notes screen as part of the scroll, just "screen 1" -> "screen 2" -> "screen 1" -> "screen 2" -> etc

    How do I remove the notes field from the activity screens auto scroll?
  • I'm not sure where the extra screens you're getting are coming from. The only time I've seen a notes screen on my VA3 is when doing a workout, but never with a normal run in either outdoor or treadmill mode.

    I don't see a notes screen as an option in the settings for the run or treadmill apps so if you're seeing this without using a workout you've loaded onto the watch I'd contact support.
  • I'm not sure where the extra screens you're getting are coming from. The only time I've seen a notes screen on my VA3 is when doing a workout, but never with a normal run in either outdoor or treadmill mode.

    I don't see a notes screen as an option in the settings for the run or treadmill apps so if you're seeing this without using a workout you've loaded onto the watch I'd contact support.

    Ah, that must be it. I AM using it from a workout. So maybe the key lies somewhere in the building of the workout in Calendar?
  • Unfortunately not. On every Garmin running watch that supports workouts it will have an extra screen for the workout steps that you can't change or turn off. By default on other watches it gives stats on the current step, on the VA3 it also will show any notes that you have put in when you build the workout and when that screen is active you should be able to tap or swipe up (I can't remember) and it will give you the basic stats for the step you're on. Lap Pace, Time or Distance remaining, etc.

    I usually use my 735 for workouts and I don't have any loaded on my VA3 to start a dummy workout here at my desk to be more specific or I would.
  • I'll confirm on my workout tomorrow morning. If so, I am just not understanding how a static image of a note, or worse the message 'no note' for 1/3 or 1/4 of the autoscroll provides any value. Shall I type a note that says "you can do it" or "Garmin design is making you look repeatedly at the is blank screen"? I can't figure out how it brings any value after the first ten times scrolling past the same 'notes' screen.
  • Bump! Any answers on this? It's extremely annoying!
  • None that I know of. I always thing there is some 'good reason' for a feature and I just need to figure out its intended purpose. This little bit of badness stumps me.
  • Is this issue only known on VA3 or is it implemented also on other watches, like FR245 and 645? I'm so annoyed by this feature I might also switch to FR.