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*Pulled* Venu Software Update - 7.10

Firmware version 7.10 for the Vivoactive 4/4S has been pulled as we investiage an issue causing devices to lock up or stop syncing.  We will post more information as it becomes available.  In the meanttime you can try working around the issue by power cycling your device and if needed remove and re-add to the Connect Mobile app.

Changes made from 6.90 to 7.10

  • Fixed an issue where the device could repeatedly prompt to install an update
  • Fixed an issue where music volume couldn't be changed
  • Fixed an issue where you could access the activities list from the music controls
  • Fixed an issue where bike lights wouldn't show up in sensor searches
  • Fixed an issue where default watch faces sometimes wouldn't show up
  • Fixed auto activity start sometimes causing battery drain
  • Fixed a potential crash when sensor hub updates

Additional Updates

Sensor Hub: 20.04

Touchscreen: 2.12

For questions or concerns regarding the update or features, please create a new thread.