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Trouble connecting to GPS (May be due to CPE not updating reliably any longer)

Has anyone else been finding that satellite positioning predictive file isn't updating using WiFi or syncing thru your phone? The ONLY way I can get the CPE file to update seems to be to plug the watch into the USB port on the PC via the supplied cable and then once updated, I have to reboot the watch. No matter what else I try, in any form of wireless connection, seems to be effective at getting the CPE info updated on the watch. Once the file has expired, it take a long time for the watch to find the satellite but it only takes about 5-10 seconds with a fresh CPE file. 

To check CPE on Venu, hold bottom right button to open menu. Select the Gear icon --> System --> About --> Scroll down to bottom where it says Current CPE info. It wil either say Curent or Expired.