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Why does Venu not record actual steps taken in an actual exercise?

I have used several Garmin devices over the years. 

When I go for  a walk or run the device records lots of metrics, but the one thing it doesn't tell me is how many steps have I taken during this exercise...

Every other app I use during the exercise (Endomondo, MapMyFitness, iPod) will each record the duration / distance / steps.

But Garmin Connect doesn't display that metric.



  • Go to the IQ store and install the "Steps to Fit" data field. Add it to the display of the activity and you'll be able to see your steps while in the activity.and it will show up in Connect.

    Optionally, you can also add the "Simple steps" data field to your activity display and you'll see the total steps for the day while in the activity.

  • This looks like exactly what I want thanks. But I don't know how to add the steps datafield to my activity e.g. golf or cardio.

    I've looked in manual but can't find it.