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Move alert - anyway to set timeframe?

I come from a Fitbit Versa.  I used that for daily 24/7 tracking and a Forerunner 620 for my runs.  I decided to combine the two into one watch and got the venu. 

With fitbit you were able to set move alerts so that they happened only within certain hours (let's say 8-5).  Is there anyway to do this with the venu?  I don't want to be alerted at 6 or 7 pm when I'm being lazy on the couch after having reached my goal for the day. 

I really miss the fitbit.  I knew I wasn't a fan of the connect app since I had to use it with the forerunner, but so far I generally miss my versa and the fitbit app and am a bit disappointed in the venu experience. 

  • No way to change it on Garmin.  The first alert is 1hr with not enough steps (<100) and the next 4 are for each aditional 15 minutes.  So with all 5 segments, you need to do about 200 steps to clear them all.

  • I agree with you. I think a time frame for the move alert would be a great addition for garmin. After an active day I dont want to receive a move alert at 8 or 9pm when I am trying to unwind. 

    Also the goal alert you received on fitbit for achieving all you active hours is the one thing I miss from Fitbit. 

    Please Garmin do a update and let us set our active hours and only give the move alert in that time frame.

  • Hi there! Just as our other users above have mentioned, we do not have a feature like that, however, this is good feedback and I can put it through as a suggestion. 

  • Good suggestion ! In addition, I would also like to be able to change thresholds. Most of the time, 1h feels too long not moving and 100 steps to "compensate" is not enough.

  • Any movement on this getting prioritized to be added?  This seems like a very useful feature that I'm seeing requested across a few forums here, as well as Reddit :) 

  • I agree.  I left Fitbit because my Ionic crapped out before it was two years old.  As a matter of fact, it stopped working before 1 year so they sent me a refurb.  I managed to figure out how to fix it but now it's permanently toes-up so I got a Garmin Venu.  I really miss the Fitbit alerts at 10 min before the hour if I haven't gotten 250 steps.  I also miss being able to set the hours I receive the alert.

  • The time/number of steps for the move bar is consistent across Garmin device, and when it was first introduced I recall that it was based on a medical study for the optimum benefit.  That's why you can't change any of the parameters on any Garmin device.

  • Thanks , can you please add my vote for setting timeframe of alerts? Other than that, I like the way how alerts are made with Garmin, and it's the best implementation of move alerts from the all devices I've tried so far.

  • I'd also like this's silly that it tells me to move at 9pm when I should be resting...

  • +1 on this, really miss this feature which felt like a basic coming from fitbit.