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Language support and can't find in Garmin express

Former Member
Former Member

There are two problems I can see for now.

Thanks to the OLED display, the Venu watch looks very sharp.

However, I do received messages and Emails in the mix of English and Chinese.

All the chinese characters are displayed as squares. There is no font support.

I'm not asking to add other languages to the system language but I thought displaying other languages should not be a problem nowadays.

I feel I'm back to 90s when the world is not connected again. Please Garmin, add non-roman characters support on your watches please.

The second issue is that I downloaded Garmin express and could not connect my watch to it.

After plugin the watch usb cable, it still shows searching and then a menu pop up asking me which device I want to connect and there is no Venu option in it.

Does anyone knows what is going on?

Thank you

  • I am from Australia, nearly 50% people are from other countries. I am surprised that smartwatch doesn't support different language or cannot install language pack. You can change watch face, install app, but not language? How ridiculous? As Venu is one of you flagship in 2019 but have this unacceptable mistake. I strongly recommend a language pack for a SMART smartwatch. 

  • I bought the fenix 5x over a year ago and I called their support to complain about their lack of Chinese language support. Their response is that I must go and buy their Asia/Pacific watch and use it there. I was totally blown away by their response and sold it on Ebay. For those looking for Asian language support, look elsewhere. Garmin is one of the few (if the only manufacturer) that discriminates against adding Asian language support to a smart watch.

    Again, agree with your point that it's 2019 and a "Smart" watch can't support Asian languages. I think their product managers needs to get with the program.

  • Agreed! 

    We want Asian languages support to the Garmin Smartwatch series because we use both English and my first language in Western countries.

    Garmin please understand users needs not just care about your marketing.

  • I cannot believe this is happening in year 2020.

    I just jumped ship from Fitbit, and Fitbit's been supporting multilanguage option since the very first smartwatch it released.

    I think I'll return my Garmin Venu, as lack of Asian language support is a deal-breaker for me. 

    Wake up, Garmin! By artificially blocking language support, you are not serving any good to users, local retailers, or the company itself. You are simply deterring potential users from joining the Garmin community.

    This is ridiculous.

  • I bought a Garmin Fenix 6 and returned it back for the same reason.  Definitely not a smart move from Garmin. Nowadays, people move around globally, I can't imaging that company would do such a stupid thing. 

  • Totally agree.  I just got my first Garmin watch and feel very disappointed about it.  I'm not asking for a Chinese interface, I just need to see the Chinese notifications pushed on it.  Can't believe displaying multi-languages would be a problem when it's almost 2021!  I don't see any "SMART" in this watch.  If this is not fixed, this will not only be my first Garmin watch, it will also be my last.

  • Still no Asian languages in 2021!!!

  • Try this widget

    Check out this app from the Garmin Connect IQ Store

  • Try to install this widget.

    Check out this app from the Garmin Connect IQ Store

    Unquestionify is an old widget.

    It works for me even with a newer Garmin Connect. It may say it is not able to connect your watch. However, it works.