Why is there no trail run options on the Venu 3? Can one be added?

I'm unsure of whether to buy the Venu 3s or FR 265s. I like the look of the Venu much better, like that it has a bigger screen with smaller form factor, and would prefer the latest HR sensor. However, the main thing holding me back is that there is no default Trail Run activity on the watch. Trail running is my main sport at the moment and I'm training for a trail half marathon. I currently have the FR235 and find it annoying to go into Strava and manually change from Run to Trail Run each time, since the 235 also doesn't have a Trail Run activity.

Is there any way to add Trail Run to the Venu, and have it automatically sync to Strava as a trail run? If not, I guess I will be forced to go with the 265. I know the 265 has better running metrics anyways, but I was hoping for a watch that I could wear all day and have it look nice when going out and not as "sporty". Especially with the neon yellow of the 265s...

Garmin, if you're listening, please stop making these arbitrary software differences between watches that are the same price. Coming to a decision with the tradeoffs for each is getting so annoying that I'm starting to look at other brands.

  • I am not sure about how Strava would name the activity.

    But you can create a new activity by copying the Run activity, renaming it as Trail Run and customizing the data fields. Doing so, you may get the running dynamics on your trail run, copying the hike activity may not provide you with the running dynamics (I could be wrong here, I am just guessing, and I have not tried this). If it works, the extra metrics will be appreciated as it is a form of running.

  • Strava names it "Hike" for me

  • Thanks. I ended up ordering a 265s since my main focus will be running for at least the next year so I want to prioritize running versus the looks of the watch/smart features. It still bothers me how Garmin picks and choose software features for the same sensors/tech. They should provide the same features and adjust price according to hardware improvements.

  • Yeah, Venu 3 and FR 265 should technically not co-exist, they should be made as one model. Or else bring all FR 265 features to Venu 3 and introduce newer metrics to FR 265, more like updated metrics. I went with Venu 3 because I don't run much (just began a month ago and love it so far), and so far Venu 3 is doing good for me. Maybe when FR 275 launches, I will make the jump.

    Garmin makes such differences because they are targeted for different individuals. Earlier this was acceptable because there was a considerable price difference between Venu/Vivoactive series and FR series, but Garmin's mistake was to place Venu 3 in the same price range as FR 265. Venu 3 should be 399$.

  • I was considering to get Venu 3 for my wife as upgrade from Venu 2 as she don't like the look of 265 much, but as it seems it still don't have trial running profile for some reason...

  • Those features are not present in Venu series of watches. You need to go for FR series or Fenix, etc. Forget Trail Running, Venu series does not have Track Running too. Garmin just chooses to skip certain features on some watches.

    I have been telling this since Day 1, but Garmin seems to be not interested at all. I am not saying in a negative way, like 0% negativity in my tone or opinion, but Garmin should stop selling Venu 3 watches, at 449$, these watches are a huge injustice and they lack a lot of features (all software locked). I love Garmin, but lately Garmin is just not good and Venu 3 is not even a proper smartwatch, so they didnt nail the smartwatch and they deliberately choose to skip the sports feature, making Venu 3 a useless one. If you want to make this a smartwatch, make a proper one, I can't even select a random place to see Weather on m watch in 2025 and you call this a smartwatch?

    My honest opinion is, DONT buy the Venu 3. Go for FR series, Venu series receive the worst software updates, go ahead to Beta forums and check the software updates, all are just some random Connect IQ bug fixes, with zero new features.

  • Don't buy venu you will regret it.

  • Thanks, I guess that I may try to convince my wife to chose something different...

  • I successfully managed to add "Trail Run" activity on my Venu 3:

    - Scroll down activities, select "Edit".

    - Scroll down to the bottom, select the green + sign (add an activity).

    - Scroll down to the bottom, select the 2 squares (copy an activity).

    - Copy "Run"

    - Select the predefined "Trail Run"

    - Add it to your activities, and you're all set.

    I don't use Strava though, so I cannot confirm the usability.

  • Yes this can be done to mimic those activities, but of course the FR series and higher end watches use more dedicated algorithms to calculate your VO2 Max during ascent, and also calculation of LTHR, both the metrics are absent from Venu 3. So, yes the trail run can be used (copy the run activity, as it can still use the barometer for estimating your altitude).