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Dropouts again

I'm using the Vector 3 pedals for a year now, and it is a constant up and down. They worked great, until the first battery change. After that I had the famous dropout issue. Got them to work properly with all the workarounds. After some months the dropouts came back. In early summer I got the batterycap replacement (funny thing is, garmin sent me only one cap for a dualsided system), after that the pedals worked again for some weeks, then i got the "right pedal missing" message during the amateur national tt champs, which was no fun. Once again, lots of playing around with the workarounds and after that the pedals seemed to to their job, until two weeks ago, when the dropouts came back. There was no change of batteries or other change of the whole system. First these dropouts came every 3-5 rides, but started to occur more often. So I changed the batteries yesterday and had a 2,5 hour ride after that, with a single dropout to the end. Today I had another ride with countless dropouts. In the moment the pedals are absolutely useless. After all those issues, I'm losing my patience. Where do we go from here? I don't think that there's another workaround for that, and seriously, I think a 1000€ product is supposed to work without taping batteries together and applying drops of baby oil.
Here's a link to todays ride:
  • I have had the same experience with the Vector 3. Its a shame. I have had a great experience with other Garmin products from watches to bike computers etc. These Vector3 pedals are junk. That is being nice. Furthermore the Garmin support is not much better. You would think spending $1500 for these things that at least you would be supported knowing that there is a severe issue with them and is well documented everywhere on the web.
  • These Vector3 pedals are junk.

    If you have recorded data files (preferably on any recent Edge, Fenix or Forerunner 935) for rides where you had issues, you can post them here, or email them to [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL].
    We will look at the diagnostic information embedded in the files and see if we can identify a likely root cause.

    If you are using a different head unit to do the recording then it may still be worthwhile to post or email the files - it will just not give as much direct insight.
  • I have had the same issue with my Vector 3S, continuous droputs which started after the first battery change.

    Cleaning the contacts seemed to improve but only for a short time. I had the units checked by Garmin and replaced.

    Result: the replacement unit has the same issue plus it gives continuously a false message of Low Battery (batteries are new).

    I have no further comment other than I am stuck with these faulty pedals now and I wish I had bought something else!

  • Something wacky to try.  My pedals worked for two years with no problems.  I ordered a new pedal body (I damaged the threads where you screw the battery in).  Worked for one day, then, I started having the right side pedal dropping out and displaying 0 watts, annoying message keeps popping up on Garmin 1030 saying right side pedal not working.  This is with a new pedal, new battery holder on the right side.  Tried it with another new set of batteries, same problem.  When assembling the pedal, I torqued the 10mm nut that holds the spindle to the required torque, but it seemed real tight.  So I LOOSENED that 10mm nut just a tiny bit, and zoom zoom, now the right side pedal works all the time.  Not sure if that was the problem, but it works fine now.   NOTE: 10mm nut requires a really thin-sided 10mm socket.  None of my Craftsmen/Husky sockets would fit inside the pedal body to get to the nut, so I had to go to Harbor Freight and get a cheap-ass Pittsburgh set of sockets that are thinner, and that worked perfectly.   

  • I have vector3 and after loads of dropouts garmin sent me the replacement caps - no problem until today loads and loads of drop outs - again these expensive pedals are junk ! 

  • I had this problem too. 

    So bad, that I remove the vectors from my bike. 

    I sent an e-mail to [email protected] with a lot of rides that had drop outs.

    I'm very tired to fight against this problem.

  • I just bought the pedals (27MAR2020) and after the first battery change, new batterie was included in the box, the problems started. Angry

    Just sent you the data on the above male address.

  • Totally agree! I have had mine for a year now and nothing but issues with power drop-outs. I got better after I upgraded from an Edge 520 to the Edge 830, but now the drop-outs are back. When I complained before to Garmin they said they would send new caps, but everyone on here says that this only improves things for a very short time before the problem returns. It is not an issue with batteries as I have just replaced with new ones. This problem has been rumbling on since Garmin released the Vector 3s and they have got nowhere in solving this. I really do believe it is a hardware issue!

  • I have finally fixed this problem and it is a hardware problem as I thought! I have completed 3 rides since this fix and not one drop-out of power, I am soo relieved! Here is the link to the YouTube video that sorted the problem. I have had my pedals now for about a year. First I had problems where messages would show on my Edge 520 saying the left pedal wasn't talking to the right. Then error code 8000 was appearing after a couple hours of riding. Then I had to replace the 520 because the side buttons broke (it was quite old) and I replaced with a Edge 830. All these errors then dissapeared and things were reasonably good for a while. Then after a battery change I suddenly started getting many more drop-outs and the thing that pointed to a problem with the batteries was that when drop-outs occurred, instead of the power reading saying zero (0), all I had was a totally blank window. I tried reseating the batteries that had been new, but no change. Then I found this video and hey presto! It sounds fiddly to placing the cork behind the contact, but with a fine pair of tweezers and a pin, it was easy. Here is the fix:

    As I say, not a single drop-out of power in the rides of 250km total!

  • This issue was resolved with the latest version of the Vector 3 Battery Doors. For future similar reports using the new battery doors, please create a new thread.