Version 3 Battery Door


Is there a version 3 battery Door that finally solves all the issues?


  • I'm picking up something from Garmin at the post office today...
  • I didn't know there was a 3rd version of the doors but, then again, I have not experienced a problems since Software Rev 3 and the 2nd gen doors. I think that is true for most folks since the forum is so dead
  • Comment #978 here:

    Thanks but the review is from 2017.

    After exchanging info with some other vector 3 users, I am coming to the conclution that Garmin is replacing the battery doors as well as the Battery Cariages now, and some people are calling this pack the 3rd version. It seems that the pedals need to change both parts in order to solve the problems.

  • Attaching what is supposed to be revision 3 of the doors/contacts that I got today. I haven't looked closer on what is different from what's in my pedals now.

    After posting on Insta I quickly got a reply from a buddy that it didn't solve his problems... Still, I'm giving it a shot, together with CR1/3N
  • Attaching what is supposed to be revision 3 of the doors/contacts that I got today. I haven't looked closer on what is different from what's in my pedals now.

    After posting on Insta I quickly got a reply from a buddy that it didn't solve his problems... Still, I'm giving it a shot, together with CR1/3N batteries.


    Hello cwikdahl,

    Thanks for the info provided.
    I am also waiting in the mail for a Garmin solution pack.

    Did you get redesigned battery carriages, part #4 as per attached description from Garmin's website?

    I believe this is the part that is making my pedals work erratically and it is a new version of it what solves the problem (along with the battery doors).

    If they are not supplying redesigned battery carriages, we are all waiting time and money again....

    I already got new battery doors in the past, as well as a complete pedal replacement (neither solved the issues).

  • Did you get redesigned battery carriages, part #4 as per attached description from Garmin's website?

    I believe this is the part that is making my pedals work erratically and it is a new version of it what solves the problem (along with the battery doors).

    The kit (as shown in the picture by cwikdahl) includes a replacement battery board, which should be used in conjunction with the new battery doors.
    Otherwise, existing damage to the old battery board may still cause intermittent contact despite the use of the new doors.
    The use of a lubricant on the contacts is still recommended.
  • The kit (as shown in the picture by cwikdahl) includes a replacement battery board, which should be used in conjunction with the new battery doors.
    Otherwise, existing damage to the old battery board may still cause intermittent contact despite the use of the new doors.
    The use of a lubricant on the contacts is still recommended.

    It would be great if you included here full instructions for getting the new battery door kit. The battery issue is so widespread that I am sure many would like to try the new door as the last option before moving to other products.
  • Did you get redesigned battery carriages, part #4 as per attached description from Garmin's website?

    Yes, that's the cylindrical part in the middle to the right in my image. Didn't get any instructions on how to do the actual replacements, but I guess the picture you posted explains it.
  • The kit (as shown in the picture by cwikdahl) includes a replacement battery board, which should be used in conjunction with the new battery doors.
    Otherwise, existing damage to the old battery board may still cause intermittent contact despite the use of the new doors.
    The use of a lubricant on the contacts is still recommended.

    Hi T_smit

    This is exactly what I need.

    My issue is that the "H" contact spring on the battery board has been chipped away, I was concerned I'd end up with bad data (as this happened before) so I called support and they asked me to send my pedals back for replacement.

    I appreciate the support and having the choice of sending them back for replacements but I only need the battery board...

    Although, even with the damage to the contract spring they are still working but my concern is that they may eventually fail.

    Is there anyway I can get a couple of these to replace my left and rights?

    If needed I can post my support ticket

    Any help is appreciated
