Vector 3 Power Spikes

I've been having various problem with my Vector 3 - complete drop outs, right side drop outs, random software transfers/flashing lights in the middle of a ride, short battery life. These have been discussed in other threads and I am slowly trying the suggested fixed. Not impressed!!

However, I also am experiencing massive power spikes regularly. My last ride had a peak power of 10630W and the previous long ride had 26499W. As well as obviously being wrong, these skew lots of statistics and reduce my faith in the meters even further.

I am currently unable to train reliably using them and do not find them fit for purpose.
Any analysis, help of what the issue is would be much appreciated.

Example fit files

  • Are you superman? hehe. Interesting to see what Garmin says.
  • ok, this might be a deal breaker for me. I had V1 and also V2 and also P1 pedals. I have to be honest, the V1/2 have been great. The first set had some excess wear and play in the spindle that was addressed in V2. V2 has been great, just ordered new bodies as i have huge miles on them. My only complaint was the occasional power spike that Garmin doesn't seem interested to ever acknowledge. I'm sure its related to how the calc the cadence. This is why i have the P1, no power spikes but they haven't been as reliable and are ugly and clunky feeling.

    I was hoping the V3 would have this cadence and power spike thing sorted ??

    has anyone else seen this problem
  • has anyone else seen this problem

    The reason why spurious spikes can happen has to do with the message format used to communicate crank torque and cadence events to the head unit (or PC). If there is a data interruption that is more than about 30 seconds, then the receiver has to re-synchronize its data reception. If, for some reason, the head unit does not recognize the interruption, then it can compute an improbably high power and cadence as a result. Another possible reason for this to happen is a system reset on either pedal. This would restart its torque and cadence calculations and again, the head unit would make an incorrect power calculation as a result.

    This does not mean that the Vector development team ignores your reports of spikes and other issues with pedal data. But it may take some time for the team to figure out how to reproduce the effects and determine a root cause.
    As an example, I looked back over the last 100 Vector 3 rides I've got in Garmin Connect, and the highest reported value for max power is 947 watts. That is high and would certainly be a one-second maximum, but not an impossible value.
  • my comment was more about V2 - i don't have V3 yet. Sorry to confuse a V3 thread :-)

    What i would see in the WKO log would be a cadence spike if i was doing sprint intervals or something. Mid sprint the cadence value for that second would jump from say 90 to 130 - i would see 1800-2000 watt peak. Nice but not real obviously.
  • What i would see in the WKO log would be a cadence spike if i was doing sprint intervals or something.

    Is that on a trainer or rollers (where the inertia is relatively low or your tire could slip)?

  • A few power spikes per workout can be removed in WKO4 very easily and in no time. Many people using Stages power meters do that as a routine after every ride.
  • has anyone else seen this problem

    Yes I have that as well. Check the V3 drop out thread. Other problems as well...
  • I have the same issue. Massive power spikes, drop outs resulting in missing data. Interestingly only after replacing batteries.
    Many ideas?
  • no, this is always on the road. (i mostly do steady state w/o on trainer and have never seen it there) TP filters them out sometimes also......and i can manually do it in who, but would prefer not to have to.

    Is that on a trainer or rollers (where the inertia is relatively low or your tire could slip)?

  • I have V3 dual sided. Was going great for the first month for about 80 hours of use. Now, I am also experiencing power spikes ... today was 11,000W. Also regularly get pedal drop-out and "Right Pedal Missing" errors often. Replaced the batteries, no difference.