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Varia UT800 Headlight Problem

Just got the UT800 and paired it to my Edge1000. I took it for a 25km test ride and have experienced 6 disconnections from the Edge. It re-connected 3 times a minute or two later but it failed the other times. What is disconcerting is that the light remained off during the failed re-connections. I had to power it back on to re-connect to the Edge.

Anyone else?. This never happened with the HL500.

Edge firmware at 14.10 & UT800 firmware at 2.10. Also connected at the time was: Garmin RTL500, Wahoo Tickr, Stages power meter & Garmin speed sensor. Bluetooth off.
  • Well it seems the last update really resolves the disconnected issue between my 510 UT800 and Varia Radar. I noticed that I can connect the UT 800 and Varia Radar separately to the 510 without any adding them both to the light network. Anyway today I rode in the afternoon and, back to home, realized that the 510 erroneously measured the duration of the last interval of the workout, so messing the entire activity when imported in Strava and even in Goldencheetah. do you think can it depends on the lights? Never happened before.
  • Hello, why Windows 10 will not charge Varia UT 800. Garmin Express will not recognize Varia UT800. Why? Varia RTL recognizes windows 10 and garmin expres, and UT 800 will not. Why? Thank
  • The computer should charge it, but the UT 800 does not mount to a computer as a device so will not show in GE unless you have a USB ANT stick.
  • OK thanks. The computer charged it but could not add it to Garmin Express but to add it I must have a USB ANT stick.
  • Unfortunately I had the displeasure of having the UT800 fading in the middle of a steep descent and at high speed. Until then I never imagined such a serious flaw could happen. The flashlight blinked, blinked, lit in the weak mode blinked again, and turned off. I had to go back in the darkness for 20km to get to my house. I will check the firmware version and hope this does not happen again. This really is something that can lead the pilot to death. Serious failure, Garmin.