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Varia RCT715 battery problem

Can anyone please post a realistic battery runtime? In the manual says "Up to 4 hr. in camera mode" but in my case at 2 hours battery is almost dead. I use 720p btw and record only during radar activity, which is assumed is better for battery life. It is possible my device is defective? My trainings is over 2 hours many times and i want that valuable device all the time with me. Thank you very much.

  • So as no one answered i can assume my device is defective. Time for a visit to Garmin. Thank you.

  • The only time I had short battery life was when I had it charging via a computer connection instead of just a straight USB charger. Once it was showing charged (steady green light) I removed it from the computer, and instead of shutting off, it went into standby mode. I did the ride a day or two later, and since it was sitting in standby for a few days, the battery was actually depleted from full. This has not happened to me when on a regular charger. My suggestion is that when you unplug the device after fully charging, you cycle through an on/off cycle to make sure it really is off.

  • I will check it later thank you. Cause of work i still didn't visit Garmin

  • I think you have right. After i check it (usb wall charger) all seems fine. Thank you friend.