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Two pairs of Garmin Rally XC200 squeaking when pedaling

Hi Guys, I thought I will share and ask if others have similar experience.
I bought Garmin Rally XC200 pedals at the end of May. After about two weeks and over 300 kilometers, I started to hear squeaking when pedaling. It was coming from the right pedal. Interestingly enough, the pedal squeaked only when clipped in on one side but not the other. It didn't seem to affect the power readouts but was really annoying.
I continued to ride with the squeaky pedal for another couple of hundred kilometers. Eventually, I ended up contacting Garmin customer support. They responded really fast and offered to replace my pedals. The whole process was very smooth and I got new pedals within a week of returning the old ones.
Now, I have used the new pedals for almost 500 km. After about 300, the pedals started to squeak. This time, it's both pedals, no matter which side I'm clipped in.
It's also most probably not the issue with shoes or cleats. In the meantime I started using new pair of shoes. A different model from another manufacturer set up with new cleats. The pedals squeak no matter which shoes I use.
I plan to contact Garmin Customer Support again but wanted to share my experience with the community first and also ask if anyone else has similar issues. I'm either terribly unlucky or there is a general issue with the pedals.
  • I’ve tried but the bolts aren’t long enough to fasten the cleats if I do, not attempted to find some longer ones as yet!

    worst thing is, since I’ve attempted to do it the shoe I tried it on squeaks worse than ever!!

  • I tried placing a shim under the cleat among other things (3 different types of cleats, etc.) Nothing solved the issue for me so far. I haven't tried using 2 shims so far, I'll try that when I get a chance. Out of curiosity, grubbjasona what kind of shoes are you using?

    I contacted Garmin twice already about returning my deposit, once about a week ago and again today. Let's hope they get to it soon ...

  • The cleat has to press more firmly against the pedal wear plate.  2 shims did the trick for me and has been completely quiet ever since.  Remedied for 2 different pair of shoes and two separate XC200 pedal sets that were both chirping prior to the shims. 1 shim was not enough for my setup to get the cleat to seat more firmly against the wear plate.

  • I'm using Shimano XC7 mtb shoes. The previous model. Apparently the new models don't have this problem. I talked with a Shimano rep at MTB Nats a couple months ago and he said the tread height was a tad taller than needed for those pedals... so adding a shim brings the cleat flush with the tread. I didn't think it would work, but sure enough... problem solved. 

  • Same squeaking noise with me. Right now I have shimano cleats installed with a shim. I am going to try to install a second shim and see if it solves the problem.

    But: For me it makes no sense that adding a second shim would help. Doesn't a second shim bring more space between the pedals and the shoe. Wouldn't it be better to reduce this space. Earlier there was a suggestion to reduce that space...

  • It tightens up the whole shoe to limit the movement - it does help/work - I've now found some slightly longer SPD bolts (12.4mm vs the 11.5 standard) so will be trying again.

  • @uktricky In my opinion adding a second shim should not tighten but loosen the connection between shoe and pedals. I think one has to remove shims to tighten the Shoe to the pedal. 

    But if it works... I'm going to test it as soon as I get my hands one a second pair of shims. Hope it helps!

  • OK the bolts that come with the XC200's are 12.4mm and I've now managed to fit x2 spacers under each cleat on my Shimano S-Phyres so just need a test ride now - the standard bolts I had which have come with the Shimano we're 11.3mm ish - Fingers crossed this is the answer!

  • Good luck and keep us posted! 

  • What spacers are you using? I can't seem to find any SPD (mtn) spacers...