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Elevation profile view

When displaying the elevation profile view when navigating or just riding, I cannot tell where on this screen I am presently located. Other Garmin devices appear to display current location on the elevation profile view with a dot. (At least, that's what I see on web pages). However, there is no dot on the Edge Explore. How can I tell where I am on this screen?
  • When you are just riding you are on the leading edge of the plot. When following a course it should show your position as being 25% in from the left hand side.
  • I have the same problem and I think this is a bug (shame that none of Garmin reps actually answered OPs question).

    The elevation screen behavior is inconsistent between subsequent uses. Sometimes it shows the dot in the 25% from the left (each section on X being 500m so it's showing 500m back and 1500m in advance), sometimes (despite loaded and followed track) the dot is at 75% (more to the right) but most often the dot is not there at all.

    Garmin, I beg you, please fix this issue, it makes elevation screen useless.