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ClimbPro post-climb notification

First ride with the 840, and one thing was really irritated the living daylights out of me... the half a national anthem they play after every climbpro climb!

Is there a way to disable the notification that you have finished a climb? Or maybe even just change it to a more normal single beep? Doing a 200k gravel race over the weekend and if this unit does not want to be thrown into the bushes, I'd rather turn off all notifications. ("Flat" does not describe that ride quite accurately.)

I forgot to turn on auto before the first ride lap, so I'm hoping that this is not the default alert tune - otherwise I'll turn off notification anyways! 

Other than that, very good first impressions! More readable than the 530, it at least tracks elevation properly and does not sporadically reboot.

  • I'm in this camp. I actively like the fanfare sound.

    Please offer what was originally asked for - an *option* to remove this one specific sound.

  • Just to add my vote to this (1040 owner) - it drives me, and anyone riding with me, mad. Especially when it does it before the real end of the climb ;)

    Other than this one annoyance, the device is amazing.

  • Add my vote to the “please remove the fanfare it annoys me and is an embarrassment when others are in hearing range” 

  • I agree that this feature is intolerable. I have had to disable climb pro due to the embarrassing and excessive "melody", which frequently occurs several times per significant climb, as every time the road flattens out a new climb is detected.

    I would like an option to disable ALL tones related to ClimbPro. 

    I would similarly like to be able to ALL tones related to Segments.

    All of these beeps and chimes are unacceptable during a group ride; the "melody" is by far the most objectionable however.

  • Public Beta 18.15 just dropped and first up in the change log

    ClimbPro - Restored simple tone for climb complete

  • Please for the love of everyone's sanity, please make this tone change **selectable**. I guarantee that there are many people who aren't irritated by the fanfare just as there are many that are. 

    I have literally just watched a YouTube video where the rider talking to camera stopped to say "thanks Garmin, celebrating the top of the hill" as she carried on with her story after the ClimbPro fanfare sounded.

    (Amy Cycling Adventures "Talking about being hit by a car" around 2 mins 40 in)

  • The quality of software in Garmin devices is the same as the quality of the decisions they make. They have already removed functionality for which they took money. And they couldn't care less about their customers.

  • Really looking forward to this update - the music is a bit too much, especially when ClimbPro auto-detects and then "celebrates" a 0.17mi climb of 34ft Joy

  • You can sort that with the current settings though - you can select what ClimbPro will detect as a climb. If it's choosing what you consider to be gentle slope that water wouldn't run down, you can go up one level of sensitivity.

  • In Activity Profiles settings - I often forget to look there