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When will we get an update to disable Virtual Partner

The band-aid of slowing down VP so it disappears from the map does not address all issues with VP.

I've never had a desire to use VP and none of the folks I ride with use VP on their Garmins.

When will we get a s/w update to disable this annoying "feature"?

  • As far as I know, this isn’t possible. The virtual partner will always be there. The only option to not be bothered by it is to change the VP’s speed, but this has to be done every time. It’s not a very effective work-around. The best solution is for Garmin to make the VP an option or setting that can be turned off at will. Unfortunately they don’t seem to think this is a high enough priority. 

  • We all concluded that it is now not possible and Garmin need to change its software here. The more complaints; the higher the priority I hope

  • This should not be difficult for the s/w wizards at Garmin to implement....after all the Edge 810 had the capability to disable VP.

  • i am not 100% sure, but i think i removed it only from the data field, since and half year i never got a message of virtual partner

  • So you didn't disable VP. Removing the screen does not remove VP. VP still occupies a significant amount of space on the map page.

  • I missed recording my ride this morning, thwarted by Virtual Partner which I didn't even know I had.  Couldn't get rid of it.  Came here after my ride to figure out how to disable it, disappointed with the information it seems mandatory.

  • Garmin - What say you?

    The 810 had the ability to turnoff VP. How do we get that on the 830?

  • Maybe a solution/workaround for some of you:

    I never use Garmin Connect, Strava, Komoot, etc to plan my routes, I use plain old good Basecamp. I make the route, convert it to a track and use 'send to device' to put it on my 830. 

    On the 830 I load the track, the navigation is re-calculated, I put my helmet on and before I depart the virtual partner is already finished.

  • This doesn't quite cut it for. The VP field is stays on the Nav screen and is wasting space. I'd rather have the entire screen dedicated to the map screen as that is one of the reasons why I have a mapping GPS bike computer.

    GARMIN: Are you ever going to reply to this thread? 

  • What is it about creating the route in Basecamp that makes this happen?  Could the same result be accomplished using Connect?